Monday, April 16, 2012

Doctor Appointment

The triplets had their 4 month well baby check this past Friday. Wow, have they all grown! Madeline is officially the biggest, weighing 13 pounds, 9 ounces and is 24 3/4 inches long, Caleb is 13 pounds 2 ounces, 24 inches long and Mischa is 10 pounds 14 ounces, 22 3/4 inches long. Seth and I are so pleased with how well they are growing! We feel like they are getting bigger by the week. The pediatrician is really pleased with their growth and feels they are progressing right on track. It's funny to see all the stares we get from other parents in the waiting room at the doctor's office. And you can imagine how hectic it gets when all three babies are screaming during their exams. Luckily, we don't have to visit the office very often. Here are a couple pictures from the doctor's office.

Madeline getting measured...she was mad!

Caleb getting weighed...he's mad too

Mischa getting weighed...she's the only one that didn't mind

Not a whole lot else going on here. We had a wonderful weekend and the weather was nice again. Seth got in his last day of snowboarding on Sunday since Mount Rose resort is now closed for the season. Unfortunately, I never got to snowboard at all this season as it was just too busy with the babies...perhaps next year! We met up with some friends for a late lunch on Saturday and the babies did really well for our first meal out of the house as a family. Our friends have twin baby girls so us parents were outnumbered by babies! Overall, the meal was a success and we hope to be able to have more meals at restaurants soon. Here are some more pictures from the week.

Seth looking sleepy after doing "night shift" with the babies

Caleb and Madeline hanging out

Mischa and Madeline in their play gym (the babies just started reaching for exciting!)

With triplets, everyone has to share :)

Caleb rolling over for the first time...oops, that looks a little uncomfortable!

Mischa, Caleb, Madeline

Sisters holding cute!

Spending time with dad

Our first meal at a restaurant with the babies...the triplets were all asleep in their car seats

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! Yesterday was Madeline, Caleb and Mischa's 1st Easter. Since they are too young for easter egg hunts and candy, Seth and I decided to enjoy the holiday by taking the babies for a walk downtown by the Truckee River. It was an absolutely gorgeous day! The temperature was in the mid 70's and couldn't have been more perfect. This was our first time taking the babies out by the river. Seth and I used to jog downtown a lot prior to having babies, so it was fun taking the babies to one of our favorite spots in Reno. We even got to meet up with a dear friend, Zeina, and her husband, Chuck, and their precious twin baby girls. I met Zeina while I was on bedrest in the hospital. Needless to say, between the five babies, we got a lot of funny stares and comments from people! We managed to get through the walk despite having to stop a few times for crying and feeds here and there along the way. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Here are a few pictures of the babies in their Easter bibs. Happy Easter family & friends!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4 months old today!

Hello everyone! Today the triplets turn 4 months old. They are all doing so well and growing so much by the week. Their next doctor appointment is on April 13th so we won't know exact weights until then, but we can tell they are growing just by looking at them. My guess is that Madeline now outweighs her little brother...we'll see if I'm right next week! It's so sweet to see the babies slowly start to reach their milestones. Everyone is holding their heads up good, especially Caleb and Madeline. It's so cute to see them start to have more coordinated hand movements too, like when they clasp their hands together or hold on to a rattle that I place in their hands. All 3 are smiling more and more each day and we've even started to hear laughs from them quite's so adorable! Other than the joys of hanging out with the babies, not a whole lot new on the home front. Seth is enjoying his new job at Box. He's always telling me how cool his work is because they have free delicious food everyday and a big slide inside the building...sounds fun! Meanwhile, I have been staying home with the babies and looking forward to warmer springtime weather so we can get outside more. Here are some pictures from today and the past week to celebrate turning 4 months old. We want to wish Grandma Lynn a happy, happy birthday today as well!

Caleb, Madeline, Mischa

So CUTE! :)


Madeline...looks like she might be the biggest now!


Mischa & Caleb spending time with Dad

I had to add this picture just for fun...this is Caleb's HUNGRY cry

Caleb doing tummy time

Madeline & Caleb

Mischa & Caleb

Caleb, Mischa, Madeline - 4 months old today



Mischa...aww, what a cute smile!