Sunday, May 27, 2012

Babies Gone Wild!

Hello! Here are a few videos that Seth made of the babies recently. Excuse Seth's singing...hee hee!

More videos coming soon!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our little munchkins

I am finally getting around to posting another blog entry. The triplets have been keeping us super busy. They are getting so big by the day. Just this past week, all three of them have started turning over from their backs to their stomachs and vice versa non stop! As soon as you lay them on the floor, they are constantly rolling over (which isn't so nice when you have wood floors). It's amazing how just a few weeks ago they would accidentally roll over and now they do it constantly. They are really enjoying their rattles, teething rings, and various other toys as they can purposely grab them now and instantly put them in their mouths.
As their 6 month birthday approaches, we are getting excited about starting solid foods. Our pediatrician recommended that we wait until they are 6 months old to start feeding them solids. We are just 2 weeks away and anticipating this momentous occasion. With three babies eating for the first time, we'll need bibs, floor mats, wall protectors, and lots of hand wipes! :) We will be sure to post pictures of them eating for the first time.
The babies still aren't quite sleeping through the night. Caleb absolutely refuses to skip a feed, no matter how tired his parents are. He doesn't like to go more than 4 hours at night without a bottle. His cry usually ends up waking up his sisters and suddenly they realize that they are hungry too! So, needless to say, we are hoping that the start of solid foods will lead to more sleep at night which means more sleep for us parents. Here are some recent pictures of the babies.

Madeline, Caleb, Mischa

Caleb & Mischa

Caleb & Madeline

Seth, Madeline, Mischa

Madeline with her silly grin

Caleb in his jungle jumper

Mischa taking a nap in her swing

Caleb, Madeline, Mischa

Entertaining three babies at once can sometimes be a challenge...

And for those of you who missed these pictures on Seth's facebook, here's to facebook going public!

Mischa doing a karate kick

Where's Mischa's hat you ask...hiding under Caleb...oops!

Mischa having a meltdown

Take 20...Caleb's hat fell down

These pics wore Caleb out!

Friday, May 4, 2012

5 months old today!

We can't believe the babies are 5 months old already. Here are some videos...hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spring fun

Hello there! I am finally getting around to posting a new blog entry. The babies are all doing really good and keeping us as busy as ever. In the past few weeks we have started noticing that the babies are really becoming aware of their environment and showing so much interest in toys. My mother-in-law purchased a jungle themed jumper and a baby walker and the babies all seem to love it. It's so adorable to see their faces light up with excitement when the toys make noises or the lights turn on. Their little personalities are really starting to shine through. Madeline definitely acts like the big sister. She seems to reach milestones a little sooner than Caleb and Mischa and she is still the calmest of the three. Caleb loves to be held and prefers to be in someone's arms at all times if he had it his way. Unfortunately, with triplets not everyone can be held at all times! Caleb really enjoys sitting in the bouncy chair and looking at the fish tank. Mischa has been giggling up a storm lately. It's so fun to tickle the babies and see them giggle. Seth and I have managed to take the babies out a few times now that the weather is warming up. It's great being outside with the babies although it requires a lot of planning as far as which stroller to bring, how many bottles of milk, how many diapers, etc. Last week we had a wonderful time with G.G visiting from San Francisco. She was a big help with the babies and she even bought new toys for the babies! Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks to show what we have been up to.

Going for a walk in the neighborhood

Mischa and Madeline playing with their toys

Caleb and Madeline

Caleb in the bouncy chair

Caleb in front of the fish tank

Mischa doing tummy time

Seth and I have been taking advantage of the nice weather on the weekends and hitting up the park as much as possible. The babies seems to love being outside (as long as they have eaten and had their naps!)

Seth feeding Mischa on a park bench

Madeline in the stroller at the park...look at that double chin!

Caleb enjoying the park

Seth and Mischa at Idlewild Park celebrating Earth day

Me, Mischa, G.G., and Madeline

Seth and Caleb

G.G. came to visit the babies from San Francisco last week. We had a great time hanging out.

G.G. and Mischa

Caleb asleep in the new walker G.G. bought...looks like he tired himself out

Here's a video of Mischa enjoying the new jungle jumper
A few random photos....
Sibling rivalry...Madeline grabbing Caleb...hee hee :)

Mischa, Caleb, Madeline



Me and my friend Zeina at the March of Dimes' March for Babies Walk