Tuesday, July 17, 2012

San Francisco

Hello! Well we managed to have a successful trip to San Francisco last week. Isaac flew in from Hawaii and we spent the week in the bay area visiting Seth's family. We had such a wonderful time seeing everyone. We recently bought a Honda Pilot and we were excited to try out the new car with the entire family. Although we filled the car to the max with baby gear, luggage, and more baby gear, we managed to fit everything in and still be relatively comfortable. The Pilot has a third row of seating which makes traveling with triplets a lot easier since someone can sit in the third row behind the babies in the second row to make sure that they are doing okay on long trips like this one. The babies did fantastic on the trip down. With traffic and a quick stop to eat Swedish meatballs at Ikea in Sacramento, we managed to get there in about 6 hours. We stayed at a hotel that was located right next door to Seth's work at Box. This was so convenient as Seth could literally walk 25 feet to his work and Isaac, the babies and I could easily go visit him for lunch without having to pack up the entire family in the car. We had so much fun visiting G.G., auntie Maia and Arielle and cousins Kaeden and Amelia. Just wanted to say a big thank you to big brother Isaac for helping out so much with the babies during his visit. He was SUPER helpful and truly became a pro by the end of the week at taking care of the babies! Here are some pictures from our vacation along with other recent photos.

 The babies in their "just add milk" onesies (we took this picture just before getting on the road)

Madeline, Caleb, Mischa

And we're off! (Madeline fell asleep immediately)





Caleb taking a bath in the kitchen sink at the hotel



Feeding time - we fed the babies in their car seats since we didn't have high chairs

The play area in the hotel

Madeline and Mischa

The family

Pajama time!

Isaac and his brother and sisters

Me and Caleb

Isaac and Mischa

Caleb and Isaac

Isaac and the babies

Isaac and Seth

Friday, July 6, 2012

7 months old!

Hello! We hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! We officially hit the 7 month mark on July 4th. We can't believe how fast time is going by. Seems like just yesterday we brought the babies home from the hospital. They are all doing so great. They had their 6 month check up last month and they are each doing so well and growing as expected. Madeline is still the biggest weighing 16 pounds 4 oz and is in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height (awesome!); Caleb weighs 15 pounds 12 ounces and is in the 25th percentile for weight and height; Mischa weighs 13 pounds 1 oz and is in the 10th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height...not too shabby! As far as the percentiles go, for babies who are 6 months old, 10 percent of babies are smaller than Mischa and 90% are bigger...but hey, what can you expect when you are born weighing 3 pounds 4 oz! Babies are supposed to double their birth weight at 6 months of age so if a baby weighs 7 pounds at birth, you would expect them to weigh about 14 pounds at 6 months. Well, our babies have quadrupled in weight since birth making them right on track so we are thrilled! The pediatrician is very happy with their development and so are we.

It's so amazing to see how much they have changed physically. Madeline is getting a bit chubby as is Caleb and Mischa's face is starting to fill out. Believe it or not they are just a couple weeks away from crawling and Seth and I think Mischa will be first. She already gets in the crawling position and looks as though she's doing a push up. I guess being the smallest isn't always a bad thing! She's very good at turning her body around with her arms while on her stomach so we think she's going to be on the go very soon. Caleb and Madeline should be right behind her. Oh boy, 3 babies crawling around in different directions! We have already started the baby proofing process but we need to purchase a couple baby gates so we can contain them all in one room. We have a feeling things are going to get pretty wild here once the babies are moving up a storm! As of right now, Mischa and Caleb both have their two front bottom teeth. We are still waiting for Madeline's first tooth to appear. Again, Mischa was the first to get teeth...amazing that little one!

The babies are doing so wonderfully with eating. It's amazing how in just a few weeks how they have really caught on with solid foods and now prefer to eat 2-3 times a day. We have moved on from rice cereal to squash, carrots, sweet peas, string beans, apples, pears, bananas, prunes and avocados. So far there doesn't seem to be anything they don't like which is great. I'm hoping to get more adventurous with their foods once they have tried everything a few times to make sure their aren't any allergies. The only problem has been keeping the bites of food coming fast enough since there are 3 of them!

Today Isaac is flying in from Hawaii to spend the week with us and we are all so excited to see him. He is on summer vacation right now and will be starting high school in August...wow, high school already! We are spending the week in San Francisco so we can spend time with the family while Isaac is in town. The babies haven't been to San Francisco since they were 2 months old so it will be fun for the family to see them now that they are 7 months old. We will be sure to take pictures of our trip and post them on the blog.

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

Caleb with his mesh fruit holder eating banana

Madeline with her mesh fruit holder

Caleb trying pears for the first time


Madeline (looks just like Seth...only cuter! :)


Mischa - darn hair is always sticking straight up


Mischa (getting ready to go for a walk with Dad)

Caleb and his teething ring

Madeline at the doctor's office

Caleb pre shots

Mischa...she's not so sure about the doctor's office

All 3 on the exam table getting ready to be weighed




Gotta love how car rides always put babies to sleep!

Here are a few pictures of Isaac and Seth in Hawaii last month.

Jeez, can't believe Isaac is a teenager already!

Drinking cocktails in Kona...lucky boys!

Eating at Sam Choy's

Beautiful Hawaii sunset