Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Wow, it's still unbelievable that it's 2013 already! We had a wonderful holiday with lots of fun with the family. Isaac flew in from Hawaii and spent a week with us. He was such a big help with the babies. It's still amazing to us that he's a teenager now. In fact, we all celebrated his 14th birthday on December 29th. Seth and I always joke about how we are going into debt every December with 4 kids' birthdays that month PLUS Christmas...Yikes!! We better start saving up for next December now!

In addition to Isaac being here, GG and auntie Maia spent a few days with us to celebrate Christmas, Isaac's birthday and New Years. We had so much fun hanging out together. The babies enjoyed spending time with the family. I love when we have family visiting from out of town because the house seems so much more lively and festive for the holidays. Seth and Isaac got lots of snowboarding time in which was great since we finally had tons of fresh snow. I got to spend time with my sister-in-law, Maia, getting manicures/pedicures together and we braved the cold weather to go for walks when the babies napped. GG read lots of books to the babies while she was here and of course they loved that. She always brings new books for the babies whenever she visits, so thanks to her, the babies have quite a book collection already. Overall, it was a wonderful holiday!

Now that the holidays have passed and our guests have left, things are back to their normal routine here in the Klein household. Seth is still enjoying his job at Box. Any job that offers free delicious daily catered lunches, in addition to numerous stocked kitchenettes with tons of snacks and drinks, plus free Ipad mini's for all employees is sure to be a good one! No wonder he loves his job so much. :) I'm still working Fridays at the hospital which has been fabulous. There's something so great about having my one day at work where I can be around my awesome coworkers and patients that makes me feel so good. Even though I am always sad leaving the babies in the morning, I've been so energized and happy to be working. There's such a perfect balance for me between being a stay at home mom on most days, but also getting the opportunity to work and use my nursing skills to care for patients, that makes me feel complete. Although I've been working late on Fridays so I miss saying goodnight to the babies since they are already in bed by the time I get home, I know that I have 6 other days out of the week to cuddle, hold, play and snuggle with them, so it's a great balance.

Now that it's been a couple weeks since Caleb started walking, he is constantly on the go! He gets so excited to be doing something new and he's quite risky, too. He'll walk across the entire kitchen and living room wobbling on his two feet all day, back and forth. It's so adorable to see him walking between rooms with the occasional fall, but then he gets right back up and keeps going. Madeline and Mischa are both where Caleb was a few weeks ago in terms of walking. They take a few steps and then fall down or they constantly cruise while holding on to different pieces of furniture. I'm sure it will be in no time that they are walking as good as Caleb. Wow, just one year ago they were tiny little babies that slept most of the day and now they're vibrant, exuberant toddlers!!!

Here are pictures from the past few weeks...enjoy!

 Isaac with his birthday cake

Happy 14th Birthday, Isaac!

 Madeline at PF Chang's

Mischa, me and Caleb

Isaac at Mt. Rose

Silly boys forgot their jackets that day...Brrr!

Dad taking the babies for a walk

Here's a video of Seth taking the babies for a walk

Caleb getting into stuff as usual

Mischa playing peek-a-boo under the fish tank (yes, we finally locked the cabinet doors)

Typical day in our house

Isaac, Madeline, Mischa

The babies love playing with Dad

Mischa practicing her walking skills

Madeline, Mischa, Caleb

Caleb hanging out with Dad

Mischa playing peek-a-boo behind the high chairs

happy Caleb

Madeline and big brother Isaac

Us at a friend's party

And lastly, here's a video showing what goes on when I'm at work