Tuesday, March 5, 2013

15 months old!

Wow, the babies are officially 15 months old now. I guess I shouldn't say babies anymore but rather toddlers. They are growing so fast and becoming so independent. From time to time, I think about this time last year when they were 3 months old and still feeding every 3-4 hours. Although in some ways things were busier then, however, in other ways it's busier now because they are so active and walking all over the place and in different directions!

We've had a lot of transitions here lately. One of the biggest changes is that the babies are now completely off of formula and taking whole milk. Seth and I didn't realize how much Enfamil formula we had stocked in the garage, so when they turned one, we still had quite a bit left so we decided to just take our time with the transition to whole milk. Our pediatrician said it would even be beneficial for them to continue to have formula for a little longer because of all the nutrients, especially the iron. Well after months of mixing 3/4 formula and 1/4 whole milk, then half and half and finally 1/4 formula and 3/4 whole milk, we made the final change this week just as we finished off our last can of Enfamil. Overall, the transition went pretty smoothly. Mischa was the only one that didn't seem to like the taste of whole milk initially, but now she doesn't mind it as long as it's warm. One of the best parts about the babies taking whole milk is the cost...not having to buy Enfamil by the case anymore is a nice savings for us. :) Since we were switching them to whole milk, in the past 2 months we also decided to slowly stop giving them as many bottles and gradually change to sippy cups, as well. Currently they are taking a morning bottle of milk when they wake up and a bedtime bottle about 30 minutes before bedtime. They have adapted really well to the sippy cup during the daytime and with meals, so we're thankful for that. The only problem is that they don't really care which sippy cup they grab and tend to all share all 3 cups, so keeping track of who drank what gets a little tricky sometimes.

The babies are also slowly transitioning from two daytime naps to one. Madeline tends to only need one long daytime nap, whereas Caleb and Mischa still need two daytime naps. We lay all three babies down for their first nap at 10:45 am, and as soon as Caleb and Mischa wake up about 1 and a half hours later, we take them out of the nursery while Madeline sleeps in until lunchtime at 1 pm. She's usually good for the day and can wait until bedtime at 7 pm but the other two still get fussy in the late afternoon if they don't have their second nap. Overall, it's working out pretty well. I can't believe there was a time when they would take several naps during the day...I forgot what that was like! Sometimes my only chance to get things done around the house or workout is during their naps, so I've learned to really get as much done as I can while they are asleep.

Speaking of working out, Seth and I have been having a little "friendly" competition with each other since we both recently got Fitbit pedometers. These are the coolest little gadgets. We challenge each other to who can get the most steps in and burn more calories. He's at work during the week and gets a lot of steps in at the office, where my steps mostly take place in the house caring for the babies. With three babies running around the house, I usually get more steps in than him. It's a good way for us to stay healthy and we love challenging each other. In fact, we even have other family members joining in on the fitbit competition (Grandma Lynn and Aunt Sharon)!

Seth and I were just talking the other day about the unique and individual personalities of the babies. They are all SO different from each other, it's quite amazing. Madeline, the oldest, tends to be the most mature of the bunch. She sleeps very well, she eats anything you put in front of her including all her vegetables, and she doesn't mind occupying herself with some toys or books. She's the most easy going of the bunch. We always refer to her as a "big girl" because she just seems older than 15 months. Then there's Caleb...oh boy, where do I start? Let's just say he needs the most entertaining. He tends to follow us around the house and wants to be thrown up in the air, tickled, or taken for walks. He prefers more adventurous types of play. He tends to nap the least amount and will often wake up the girls by screaming from his crib. He sure does have the cutest smile though and he knows when to flash it. Mischa is the shy one but also has a sassy, quirky side to her. It takes longer for her to warm up to strangers but she's very particular about things, as well. She loves to read books with mom and dad but knows exactly which books she wants read to her. She is the pickiest of the three when it comes to food. She does not like to be fed anymore at all and will turn her head away now matter how much coaxing you do. So, we've learned to just let her feed herself as much as possible. She also has this amazingly playful side to her and loves to giggle a lot. Honestly, we couldn't have asked for a better bunch of kiddos...we are so lucky!

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Triple trouble
Mischa shopping
Seth and the babies
The babies playing in a play yard
Mischa loved this tunnel so much
Sleepy Madeline
Good morning Caleb
Mischa and her lamb pillow
Next week we are so excited for Isaac to visit for his spring break. We are planning to spend half the week in Reno and the other half in San Francisco visiting with family. We will be sure to take lots of pictures and post them on here soon!