Monday, May 6, 2013

17 months old!

Howdy everyone! Where is time going? Last Saturday, the babies turned 17 months old! Seth and I can't believe we are almost at the year and a half mark. Everyone always says time goes fast when you have kids and boy, were they right. It sure does seem like the months are flying by.

The babies are all doing really great. They are down to one nap a day now after lunch and still sleeping from 7pm to 7am (thank heaven for us parents). They are eating well and its been fun introducing them to different foods, although they make it well known if they don't like something because it ends up thrown on the floor immediately (let's just say tofu wasn't their favorite). The newest event in our household has been Mischa letting out her aggression with her teeth! She's been biting her brother and sister when she gets upset with them. Poor Caleb and Madeline have teeth marks and bruises on their arms to prove it. Fortunately, Mischa doesn't lash out too often but we try to gently yet sternly tell her no. Is it even possible to be gentle yet stern? HA! :) We're pretty sure she understands that it's wrong because she gets a certain look on her face and will stop, then sometimes cry. Hopefully this is a phase that passes soon. And wouldn't you know Mischa happens to have the most teeth out of the bunch...OUCH!

Last weekend we made the transition from infant car seats to convertible car seats. Wow, our little pumpkins outgrew their infants seats finally in terms of height. They used to look so tiny in their infant seats when we brought them home from the hospital. What precious little babies they were! The new car seats are great in the fact that these will be the last car seats we will need to buy since they convert to booster seats once the kiddos reach 65 lbs and then will last until they weigh 100 lbs. Did I mention that buying three new car seats costs the equivalent of a half a month's mortgage payment pretty much? Luckily, all three car seats fit in a row in the middle aisle of our Pilot since these convertible seats are pretty big and cushioned. By the way, if anybody needs any information about convertible car seats, I did enough research to probably write a 20 page dissertation, and then some! The funny thing is that in the end I ended up going with the recommendation of a friend (thanks, Rachael)!

Here are pictures from this past weekend to mark 17 months old!

Mischa, Madeline and Caleb post-baths
Caleb & Madeline (Mischa is on the right side)
Chow time
Mischa with pigtails
Caleb and those dimples
Madeline eating goldfish
Mischa - she likes to cram handfuls of food in her mouth at once
Caleb grabbing the camera (and Madeline grabbing his face)
17 months old today!
Mischa and her 17 month old cute feet
 Caleb is happy to be 17 months old!
Caleb double fisting (block in one hand, bottle in the other hand)
Love those red cheeks :)
take 1...
take 2...
take 3...
There we go!
Aww, love these little ones so much! <3