Tuesday, January 28, 2014

25 months old!

I just realized I never posted pictures from January 4th when the kids turned 25 months old. I started this blog post almost 3 weeks ago and never got around to posting it. Oops...that's the life with having triplets! I guess at this point, each month isn't really a milestone anymore now that they're past the 2 year mark...but here are some pictures anyway!


Caleb and his train

Mischa wearing Dad's sunglasses

Mischa and Madeline sharing a toy

Isaac on one of his last days snowboarding here

Seth and Isaac at Mt. Rose

This Hawaiian boy couldn't get enough of the snow!

Practicing with the utensils

What cute kids we have!

Riding the moving cars at the mall

GO Mischa!

January Fun

Hello! Sorry about the delay in getting a post up. We've been busy with the day to day grind of taking care of the kids, going to work, having play dates and getting over runny noses. The kids had coughs and runny noses about 2 weeks ago but, fortunately, no fevers or major symptoms. Seth and I managed to avoid getting sick which was great but my poor mom caught a cold from the kids and ended up being sick for almost 2 weeks. Thankfully, everyone is feeling 100% better.

We can't believe how much the kids are learning lately. They are like little sponges and absorbing everything in their environment from letters, to colors, shapes, foods, to even forming little 2-3 word sentences. They are all talking up a storm, especially Mischa. There's something about that little one and her words...she is by far the most verbal and really has an interest in learning her ABC's, counting, and naming different colors and shapes constantly. Seth and I joke that she might be Stanford-bound at this rate! Caleb is still very into his trains and cars lately. He loves Thomas the train and plays with his little 5 car magnet train set constantly. He even wants to take "Tomas train" with him to bed at night. Of course, Seth and I have to sneak into kids' room at night and remove all their toys from their beds. Out of the three, Madeline is the first to officially ride her big wheel bike. She has the longest legs and is able to reach the pedals with her feet and so she's been on the go! Caleb and Mischa still can't quite reach the pedals so they manage to scoot along. They are all very much into feeding themselves right now. I love putting different foods on their plates and letting them go to town. They love most kid-friendly foods such as fruit, waffles, pancakes, cheese, scrambled eggs, noodles, sandwich meat and their latest favorite is turkey breakfast sausage. These kids eat sausage like it's going out of style! There is usually a pretty good mess to clean up after but it's worth it to see their smiling faces as they become so independent and use their mini utensils to feed themselves.

Seth and I know the big topic of potty training is coming anytime now. We have three potty chairs but they all think they are toys. Madeline will sit on it and say "pee pee" although she hasn't officially used it. Everything I read says to keep encouraging the kids but don't pressure them to learn because that can back fire. A triplet mom friend of ours said she waited until her kids were nearing 3 years old and had almost overnight success in teaching hers to be potty trained. We'll continue to encourage it but I think we'll take our time a little in this department. Besides, it's very nice to be able to take the kids out and about and not have to worry about 3 different kids needing to use the potty at different times!

Overall, everything is going well lately. We've had lots of fun with taking the kids to birthday parties, play dates, to the museum, the mall and even to the toy store and Barnes and Nobles to let them run around and explore. Here are pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Madeline, Mischa and Caleb playing at the museum
By the time they were done, they were completely soaked

They loved catching the rubber ducks as they came off the ledge

Me, Caleb and Madeline at a museum birthday party (Mischa is beside Madeline)

Handsome Caleb

Triple trouble playing in the water

Madeline being silly

Mischa and her big smile

This reminds us of Beyonce in her Single Ladies video :)

Eating waffles and coloring on Sunday morning

Love this little face

Sweet Caleb

Mischa with her mouthful

Say CHEESE everyone

Madeline - she's still our best eater by far

Caleb has the hang of the fork now

Beautiful Mischa

Madeline and Caleb playing at Barnes and Noble

Mischa loved this train set up

Watching a video on the iPad at Starbucks

Playing at the park with Dad

This mini trampoline was a big hit with the kids

Go Madeline!

Wee, Mischa!

Here is a video Seth took earlier this month (warning, you might want to turn the sound down because the sound of the kids' swinging will hurt your ears!)

Thanks for stopping by everyone! We'll post more pictures and videos soon!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to post a couple pictures we took to celebrate New Years and to wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2014! Happy New Years from our family to yours!!

Mischa, Caleb & Madeline




Love these little legs (Caleb & Maddie wearing their new Toms)

Cousin Amelia and the triplets

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!