Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Summer family photos

Hi everyone! As some of you may have seen on Facebook, we took family photos last month and we couldn't be happier with how they turned out. It never ceases to amaze me how our awesome photographer (Danny Lemaire) is able to capture such amazing photos of our kids. We weren't sure if we were going to have to reschedule our photo shoot as it was scheduled on a day during the rainy week we had here in Reno, but everything turned out perfectly. The umbrellas and rain boots worked out perfectly. I was just especially thrilled that Caleb and Madeline weren't wearing their Thomas the train shirts and Mischa wasn't in her Princess Sophia dress! :) Here are a few of our favorites...

More fun with the kiddos

Hello! Well, another post weeks late again. We have had a wonderful but busy summer! The kids are keeping us busy as usual but we've managed to squeeze in some fun between the lake, the park, play dates and other outdoor activities. Seth and I are reminded daily how truly blessed we are. The kids are at a very busy stage but definitely it's definitely a fun stage, too. They are so entertaining and the funny things that come out of their mouths sometimes crack us up!

Seth and I have recently started checking out different preschools around Reno. We want to enroll the kids sometime in the near future but finding a preschool that can accept three kids at once is tricky. Then there's all the questions regarding which days of the week, full-time or part-time, and cost among many other considerations. The kids do great socializing with each other of course, but we want them to get used to being around other children. They enjoy being out in public but have never experienced being away from Seth or me for very long, so preschool will be a transition for them. We both feel that they would benefit greatly from having a structured schedule which preschool can definitely fulfill. We have the search narrowed down to two favorites - one preschool is a small, intimate type of preschool located near our house and based out of a lovely woman's home. The other preschool is a larger Montessori preschool that is heavily based on the Reggio Emilia philosophy which emphazises a more child-directed learning style. Both preschools seem wonderful so Seth and I have a tough decision to make. We will definitely keep you all posted as to which one we choose.

Caleb recently had an appointment with a pediatric allergist. They did some skin testing on him and determined he has quite a few allergies (all tree nuts, pollen, cats, mulberry, and a few other environmental allergies). Fortunately, they don't seem severe but of course we have to keep a close eye on him and keep all nuts away from him. We have epi-pens which we would need if he ever had a severe allergic reaction. The doctor wants to do an oral challenge test in the future to determine how severe his nut allergy is but this is usually done when a child is between 3-5 years of age.

Things have been progressing with potty training but we kind of hit a road block. For some reason, the kids do not want to wear underwear anymore. They prefer to wear a diaper and then either remove the diaper themselves or ask us to take it off so they can use the "green potty chair." They seem to have trouble removing the underwear themselves so that has led to a few accidents here and there. Mischa was the last to learn to use the potty chair but she has finally done it! As some of you know, we get a large shipment of diapers each month delievered from Amazon. I am slowly but surely using these diapers up and then plan to switch to pull-ups for night time use. None of the kids have used a regular toilet yet, so this makes it tricky when we are out in public. They have gotten so comfortable with their Bjorn potty chairs that the big white toilet intimidates them. So, that's one more thing we are working on!

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks!

Sweet Maddie
Caleb is doing so well with using the potty chair
Mischa still wears her Princess Sophia dress almost every day
Hanging out at the park
Madeline (notice her Thomas the Train shirt...her new obsession just like her brother)
Caleb enjoying the swing
Mischa riding a big snail
Enjoying a play date with their sweet friend, Wyatt
The kids are really into Play-doh
Fortunately, no one tried to eat the play-doh!
Caleb and his blue lips
Playing in the backyard
Silly Madeline
Madeline helping Caleb up the slide...too sweet
Eating donuts (pink sprinkles for Mischa, of course)
Playing with the water hose and buckets
Madeline enjoying the beach
Caleb and his favorite red truck
Mischa likes the cold water
Seth taking a bike ride in Vancouver for work...lucky guy