Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall fun!

Hi there! Finally getting a chance to sneak in a quick blog post. Things have been wonderful here, but just busy as usual. The kids started preschool about 3 weeks ago. We decided to go with a small preschool near our house that only has 10 kids total. The kids are there on Tuesday and Thursdays from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm. Seth and I really like this preschool because it's a small, intimate preschool and the two teachers who run the preschool are fantastic! It's been a good transition for the kids because they've never been away from family before, so we thought a smaller preschool would be better than a larger, more institutional one. We finally didn't have any tears this past week after drop off but the first 3 weeks were a little tough, especially for Mischa. She cried every time we pulled onto the street of the preschool. Caleb adjusted the best by far. As long as there are toys there, he doesn't mind if Seth and I are there or out of sight! Madeline was a little timid at first and she did cry the first week, but she adjusted by the 2nd week. Mischa now enjoys going and is excited to do arts and crafts which is her favorite activity. She loves painting and play-doh. We are considering extending the hours the kids are at preschool in the new year but we're happy with the transition so far.

It's still amazing how fast the kids are growing! We can't believe they will be 3 in December! Gosh, time really does go by so fast! They are at such a fun age right now. They are talking non stop and so full of energy. Madeline is our little tomboy. She still doesn't like to wear dresses and will not let me fix her hair for anything! She's definitely a daddy's girl and loves to follow Seth around. Caleb still loves his trains but is more recently obsessed with monster trucks and cars. He brings at least one truck/car with him to bed each night and even takes one to preschool with him. He is still our more rambunctious one and is all about running through the house and jumping off things. Mischa is our little princess. She will only wear pink or purple and we have to rotate through a small selection of princess dresses. She like to have her hair styled each day and loves anything related to Sophia the First. It's so funny to see how different they are!

Seth has become quite the runner lately with participating in so many 5k charity runs lately. He's because popular around Reno as the "guy who runs with the triplet stroller!" I decided to do the Susan G. Komen 5k with him and the kids earlier this month, and boy, pushing the kids in the stroller is a workout! It was so wonderful to be out supporting such a wonderful event and the smiles and cheers we got from the other people was so sweet! We ended up running it in 24 minutes which wasn't too bad!

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks!

Madeline painting

Caleb likes painting too

Mischa uses pink or purple paint only...she's so girlie

Madeline reading and using the potty

Caleb and Madeline being silly in the tub


Brushing teeth in the tub

The kids enjoyed the hot air balloon festival

They loved the fish balloon

The dog balloon was another favorite


Me and the kids

Caleb eating popcorn

Mischa and Madeline getting ready to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks

Movie night

Me and the kids after the Susan G. Komen 5k

The kids at the playground

Riding the lion

 On a play date with Alli (4 toddlers is a LOT)

Madeline eating a chocolate muffin

Silly Caleb


On a hayride at the pumpkin patch

The kids looking at the baby pigs
Eating dinner and watching the ipad

Our attempt at a family photo in our costumes

Crayola family - (Mischa & Caleb) wanted nothing to do with this picture

Our three munchkins

Say "Cheese!"