Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summer run down

Hi family! We have been having a very busy summer but it's been great! The kids finished preschool in mid-June so we have spent most of our time at the park, in the backyard, riding bikes, attending swim lessons, going to gymnastics class and hanging out with Grandpa Lanny and Grandma Lynn (or "chocolate grandma" as the kids call her). They came for to Reno for 6 weeks and we had the best time! We also had a great time with Isaac visiting us. With all the family here, there were plenty of hands around to help out which is always nice. It seems like the summer has been flying by. Between trips to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, the kids had a wonderful time on our "adventures." Seth and Isaac made a couple of trips together for both work and pleasure to Seattle to visit Grandpa Armin, to Houston and San Francisco. Isaac has been checking out as many skate parks as he can. A couple of weeks ago we had the Collier Family Reunion in South Tahoe. It was so great seeing a lot of family that the kids haven't seen in over a year. Here are an assortment of pictures from the past 2 months.

The kids imitating dad on his computer

Isaac playing with the kids at Donner Lake

 Hanging with dad and Isaac at Food Truck Friday

Relaxing at Idlewild Park

All four kids

Handsome Isaac at Tahoe

 The Colliers

Siblings - John, Danny, Sharon, Lanny

Cute picture of Lynn with the teenage crew (plus Madeline)

Playing at the playground in Tahoe

This kid's in heaven

First s'mores

Mischa only liked the chocolate

Isaac at Echo Lake

Caleb showing Joe his new transformer

The girls playing in the sand


Love that smile

Madeline and her skittles

The kids being silly sticking out their tongues

Isaac with Grandpa Armin

Father and son

Us on the cable car in SF
 In Chinatown

What a fun adventure!

 Waiting for more public transportation

Say cheese

 Getting ready to go to SF

 Our tomboy and princess


 Hanging at a graduation party


 Madeline looking a lot like Seth

 Love this little guy

Getting ready for swim!

Practicing kicks

Swim toys are always a big hit

Googly googles

These kids have a good life

More park time

 Riding the machines at the mall

 Caleb and his firetrucks

 Checking out a real firetruck

 Caleb loved this

Fro-yo time

More arcade adventures

 Idlewild Park

 Mischa goes everywhere with her purse in case you were wondering

Riding the train