Monday, June 4, 2012

6 months old today!

It's official...the babies are half a year old now! Wow, the past 6 months have gone by really fast! Although the last 6 months have been challenging in many ways (sleep deprivation mostly), it's also been the most rewarding and enjoyable 6 months, as well. I recently read that parenting is "the best job but the hardest job" - SO true! Seth and I celebrated the babies turning 6 months old by scheduling a mini photo shoot with our favorite local photographer, Huong. She captured the most beautiful pictures of the babies as newborns so we knew she was the perfect person to take pictures of the babies now at 6 months old. We did the photo shoot at a local park here in Reno last Saturday. The first 15 minutes of pictures went good - no crying, babies all seemed pretty content, but then disaster struck and Madeline had a little bit of a meltdown...okay, actually a major meltdown with big crocodile tears, snot, red eyes, the whole nine yards. Seth and I have noticed that she does not like to be out and about very much. When we go to parks and take walks, she is content for about 30 minutes but then begins crying inconsolably. She doesn't do this at home so we've finally decided she's happiest at home. Caleb and Mischa on the other hand LOVE to be outside. In fact, they love all the attention they get from people, especially Caleb. We recently had some friends visit from San Diego and Seth and I mentioned to them that Caleb tends to be the fussiest baby (or the biggest cry baby as Seth puts it) and boy did he prove us wrong! He was an angel the entire weekend and our friends thought we were lying about Caleb! He sure knows when to flash those dimples! Anyways, we should be receiving our DVD with the professional photos in the next couple of weeks, so we will be sure to post pictures from that day here on the blog.

We are getting ready to introduce solid foods to the babies. First, we need to put together the 3 high chairs which are still in the garage in their boxes. Neither of us have had hardly any free time during the day to get to this task but hopefully we can this week. We recently purchased a baby cookbook and I'm looking forward to pureeing vegetables, fruits and grains for the babies. We can't wait to see their little faces when they take their first bites! We will be sure to post pictures from the day. Here are a couple of recent videos of the babies that Seth took. Since these videos are a bit big, Seth used the Box website to upload these videos so just click on the links below and then click on the download button to view each video. I will upload a few photos later today.

Baby video

Reno River Walk

Another Babies video

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