Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9 months old today!

Wow, the babies turned 9 months old today! I say it in every post but, jeez, where is time going? To celebrate 9 months old, Seth and I bought a set of play yard gates that we put together in the dining room in order to contain these rambunctious babies! As of recently, all three babies are crawling up a storm, including Madeline, who was the last to grasp the concept of crawling. Now she's really got the hang of it as do Caleb and Mischa. We've had several minor injuries lately due to babies falling over and bumping their heads on the wood floors so we knew it was time to finally buy a baby "jail"...ha ha! The babies don't like being contained in an enclosed space but sometimes we have no choice but to keep them in one space in order to get anything done and in order to prevent more bumps and bruises.
We've had a great past few weeks. Grandpa Lanny and Grandma Lynn came to visit us 2 weeks ago. We had such a wonderful time together. My parents were a big help with feeding, entertaining, bathing and monitoring these wild babies. Mischa and Madeline had a little stranger anxiety torwards them at the beginning but warmed up to them as the days went by. Caleb loved them from the start and, therefore, got lots of kisses and hugs. Then for Labor Day weekend we drove to North Star and hung out with Auntie Adina, Uncle Colin, and cousin Amelia. The babies had a lot of fun playing with Amelia and all her toys.
Since we have not posted any videos in quite some time, I decided to dedicate today's blog post to videos. These are videos taken from the past 2 weeks. Seth is so great about taking videos of the babies every week but, unfortunately, many of the videos are too large to upload to this blog. Here are some of the shorter videos. Thanks for checking in! We'll keep you all posted on the babies in the coming weeks! 



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