Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hi there! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great holiday here with the babies. Seth had a 4 day weekend so we were able to spend a lot of quality time together as a family. On Saturday we went to a Christmas cookie exchange with the local twins club. We brought our wagon for the kids to play with and everyone had a great time. Finally, we received the 3rd trailer for the triplet wagon so Mischa can have her own seat now. The funny thing is she still prefers to sit on the floor of the wagon rather than in the seat. I guess she got used to being down there from having to share a trailer with Madeline. After the cookie exchange, we went to the mall and did some last minute Christmas shopping. The babies had a great time riding in the wagon at the mall. Boy, did we get some funny glances from people! :) For Christmas day, we had an evening brunch with our dear friends, Rachael and Culley, and their 11 month old cutie, Mackenzie. Overall, it was a fantastic holiday weekend! Oh, and last Friday I returned to work for the first time after 15 months off. Wow, it was great seeing my old coworkers and even some of my old patients. I missed the babies the whole time I was gone, but I got home on time to put their pajamas on and spend some time playing with them before it was bedtime. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Me saying goodbye to the babies before I headed off to work for my first day you can see, they hardly noticed!
Us at the twins club christmas party
Seth, Madeline and Caleb (that's Mischa's head in the very front...guess I was too slow at snapping this picture)
Madeline and Mischa riding in the wagon with their friends
Caleb eating at the mall
Mischa enjoying chow mein noodles for the first time
Christmas eve bath (1st time giving all 3 a bath at the same time!)
Mischa and Caleb
Caleb and Madeline
Bedtime bottles
Christmas morning...Elmo on the ipad
Say cheese!
New walker from Santa so the babies don't have to fight over the same one anymore

Christmas dinner (ham, french toast & hashbrowns...doesn't get any better than that!)
Seth and the babies last Christmas (Caleb, Mischa, Madeline - less than one month old)
...And Seth and the babies one year later - AMAZING! We are so blessed!
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Thanks for stopping by!

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