Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Hello! I decided to sneak in another post since I have a little extra time tonight. While Seth was at work today, I had a great day with the babies. We took a long walk to Starbucks, the grocery store, and we even stopped at a nearby nail salon that I like to go to for pedicures so I could show the lovely staff the babies. It was a beautiful, sunny day and the temperature was 55 degrees which is pretty warm for a winter day in Reno. The babies had pieces of pumpkin bread from Starbucks (one of their favorite treats thanks to Dad) and they got Valentine's balloons from the grocery store. I'm always so thankful for the time I get to spend with the babies during the week, especially now that I've gone back to work part-time. I truly feel like I have the best of both worlds with being a stay at home mom the majority of time but also getting to spend 1-2 days a week at work. I honestly couldn't ask for anything more!

Caleb...he recently discovered his nose and his finger is constantly in it :)

Madeline and Mischa "reading" their new Valentine's books
In the past few weeks, Mischa has really become interested in's the cutest thing
She even prefers to look at books during diaper changes...ha!
What a silly girl

Too funny!
Caleb and his crazy hair
Madeline eating a strawberry
Sweet Mischa
On our walk today
Us at Starbucks...poor Madeline got scared of the barista
Mischa, Caleb & Madeline Valentine's Day 2013
Madeline, Caleb & Mischa Valentine's Day 2012

Here's a video from tonight

And here's a video from last weekend at the museum


Hope everyone had a sweet Valentine's Day! XOXO

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