Wednesday, July 24, 2013

More summer fun!

With the busy few weeks we've had, it's nice to finally be at home and getting back to our normal routine. Unfortunately, the babies all caught a cold and weren't feeling great last week but they are now feeling a lot better this week. Poor Seth, grandma Sue and our nanny, Citlalli, all seemed to get sick with the same illness the babies had. I am the only one who didn't get sick (knocking on wood). I'd like to think that my ten years of working as a pediatric nurse, where I was exposed to every germ known to man, has helped me build up a good resistance. But then again, it might have been all the hand sanitizer and clorox wipes I went through too. Even though the babies were sick for a few days, they all continued to eat for the most part and play like their normal selves, so we are very fortunate.

Seth and I have been enjoying spending time at one of the local public pools here in Reno. There is a large kiddie pool that the babies love. They like playing with their toys and sitting in the water splashing. The weather in Reno has been very hot lately, so it's nice to cool off in the water. Mischa is such a little character...she spends most of her time sitting on the side of the pool eating snacks than in the water. What a silly girl! Seth and I didn't even know one of the local parks had a public pool, so we're happy we discovered it before the summer comes to an end.

The babies are getting lots of use out of the new swing set in the backyard. Originally, the swing set came with two swings and one seesaw type of seat. Well, Seth was pushing Caleb on the seesaw seat, and Caleb let go of the handles and fell off. Luckily, the grass below him wasn't too far down and he didn't get hurt but we decided to switch out that seat for another baby swing seat. Now all three babies can swing safely to their heart's content. Boy, let me just say that the babies LOVE to swing. They do not like to be taken out of the swing, even if they are falling asleep in the swing!

While Isaac was visiting earlier this month, we took family photos so I will be sure to post those on here as soon as we get them. And, although the babies are almost 20 months old, they still haven't had their 18 month check up do to scheduling conflicts and our pediatrician being sick, so they have their appointment this Friday finally. I'm anxious to see how their growth has progressed since their 12 month check up.

Here are more recent pictures and a few videos, as well!

Seth and the babies enjoying the pool
Me and Mischa
As the afternoon went on, Mischa became more interested in eating snacks
Me and Caleb
Nice to cool off with the hot weather we've been having
Caleb being silly
Madeline taking a work call for dad
Caleb eating his bib
HAPPY Mischa
He's definitely the mischievous one out of the bunch
The kiddos loving their new swing set (thanks dad & Lynn!)
Finally getting around to posting some videos from the past month

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Family, Oregon, SF and the babies are 19 months old!

Hello everyone! Wow, what a busy past few weeks it has been! I am so behind on posting a blog entry. We have had an eventful month with an extended visit from Grandpa Lanny and Grandma Lynn, Isaac's summer visit, celebrating my 34th birthday (YIKES), to our trip to Crystal Crane Hot Springs in Oregon for a family reunion during the 4th of July weekend, then to San Francisco to visit G.G., Grandpa Armin, and the rest of the family....phew! I have barely had the chance to unpack and get settled back into our routine but I'm slowly getting there. Even though it's been a busy few weeks, it sure has been so enjoyable too!

One of the most exciting events for the triplets was the addition of our brand-spanking-new backyard play set! Wow, my parents really outdid themselves and got an awesome wooden play/swing set for the babies. They sure love the swings! If it was up to them, they would swing all day and night, everyday! In fact, they always cry whenever it's time for them to get out of the swings and come inside the house for lunch, dinner, nap, etc! Even though the kiddos are a little small for the slide and rock climbing wall, we're pretty sure they will be using that stuff in no time, especially our little dare devil, Caleb! Thanks again so much to Grandpa Lanny and Grandma Lynn for the swing set! Oh, and I can't forget the kiddie pool they got them too! This is another big hit with the babies, especially with the triple digit temperatures we've been having lately.

Seth and I had a wonderful two weeks with Isaac here, as well. He officially finished his first year of 9th grade in a prestigious private school in Hawaii...way to go, Isaac! It was so special having him here visiting us. He is not only adored by his little brother and sisters, but he happens to be the sweetest, most helpful teenage son in the world! Thanks, Isaac, for all your help with the babies!!

After having a small BBQ at our house to celebrate the 4th of July, Seth, Isaac, the babies and I packed up and headed to Crystal Crane Hot Springs in Oregon for the Collier family reunion. The drive itself went pretty well considering, but our first night there was a little rough with the babies in that they were not used to being in a new location and not in their regular cribs. They adjusted well each night thereafter and during the daytime, there was plenty of family members around to keep them entertained. They even got to relax in the hot springs with big brother Isaac. Overall, we had a wonderful trip and it was so worth it seeing so many family members who we had not seen in years (not to mention introducing the triplets to them!).

From Oregon, we headed home to Reno for a quick unload/load/wash laundry/recharge, then off to San Francisco. Since Isaac was spending two weeks with us, we wanted to make sure to visit the Klein side of the family. We stayed at our usual great hotel which always provides us with wonderful service and 3 cribs for the babies. We had a fantastic time seeing G.G., Grandpa Armin, and Auntie Maia and Adina and Amelia and little Maia Claire. The babies had a great time going on wagon rides, running down the halls of the hotel (sorry to our neighbors) and visiting Dad's coworkers at Box. Unfortunately, Isaac caught a cold while we were in SF, but overall, we couldn't have asked for a better trip!

Well, since I am SUPER behind on posting pictures, here are some from our recent adventures!

Madeline on the new sit-in-spin from Grandma & Grandpa

Caleb had to have a stroller and baby just like his sisters

Celebrating my birthday with the family

Mischa at BJ's

Madeline was supposed to be sharing this drink with Caleb and Mischa but that didn't happen

Caleb had to settle for his sippy cup instead

Grandma Lynn and the adorable hat she crocheted

Grandpa and all three kiddos in their new hats

What little cuties!

Cooling off in the new pool
 The new play yard!

Isaac giving the girls a push

Building a lego tower with the family in Oregon

What a great time we had seeing the family!

Our attempt at a family reunion group was harder than it looked :)

Isaac hanging out

Seth with Madeline and Caleb

Isaac and the babies enjoying the hot springs

Mischa and Madeline hanging out in the hotel in SF

Caleb saying "hi"

Did I mention the wagon travels everywhere with us?

Caleb wearing dad's new Giants hat

Bath time at the hotel!

Thanks for stopping by! I will be sure to post videos from our trip very soon!