Wednesday, July 24, 2013

More summer fun!

With the busy few weeks we've had, it's nice to finally be at home and getting back to our normal routine. Unfortunately, the babies all caught a cold and weren't feeling great last week but they are now feeling a lot better this week. Poor Seth, grandma Sue and our nanny, Citlalli, all seemed to get sick with the same illness the babies had. I am the only one who didn't get sick (knocking on wood). I'd like to think that my ten years of working as a pediatric nurse, where I was exposed to every germ known to man, has helped me build up a good resistance. But then again, it might have been all the hand sanitizer and clorox wipes I went through too. Even though the babies were sick for a few days, they all continued to eat for the most part and play like their normal selves, so we are very fortunate.

Seth and I have been enjoying spending time at one of the local public pools here in Reno. There is a large kiddie pool that the babies love. They like playing with their toys and sitting in the water splashing. The weather in Reno has been very hot lately, so it's nice to cool off in the water. Mischa is such a little character...she spends most of her time sitting on the side of the pool eating snacks than in the water. What a silly girl! Seth and I didn't even know one of the local parks had a public pool, so we're happy we discovered it before the summer comes to an end.

The babies are getting lots of use out of the new swing set in the backyard. Originally, the swing set came with two swings and one seesaw type of seat. Well, Seth was pushing Caleb on the seesaw seat, and Caleb let go of the handles and fell off. Luckily, the grass below him wasn't too far down and he didn't get hurt but we decided to switch out that seat for another baby swing seat. Now all three babies can swing safely to their heart's content. Boy, let me just say that the babies LOVE to swing. They do not like to be taken out of the swing, even if they are falling asleep in the swing!

While Isaac was visiting earlier this month, we took family photos so I will be sure to post those on here as soon as we get them. And, although the babies are almost 20 months old, they still haven't had their 18 month check up do to scheduling conflicts and our pediatrician being sick, so they have their appointment this Friday finally. I'm anxious to see how their growth has progressed since their 12 month check up.

Here are more recent pictures and a few videos, as well!

Seth and the babies enjoying the pool
Me and Mischa
As the afternoon went on, Mischa became more interested in eating snacks
Me and Caleb
Nice to cool off with the hot weather we've been having
Caleb being silly
Madeline taking a work call for dad
Caleb eating his bib
HAPPY Mischa
He's definitely the mischievous one out of the bunch
The kiddos loving their new swing set (thanks dad & Lynn!)
Finally getting around to posting some videos from the past month

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