Wednesday, September 4, 2013

21 months old today!

Hi everyone! Today the babies turned 21 months old! It's so unbelievable how fast these kiddos are changing. It seems like everyday they are growing and turning more and more into wonderful, bright, fun and unique little munchkins. They are all so healthy and doing great. All three are really picking up on talking. Some of their favorite words are dog, ball, cow, duck, bath and wa-wa (water). Mischa seems to be the most advanced verbally. Some of her latest words include circle, purple, school, and two. Everyone is learning body parts too. We've all been having them practice pointing to their eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, ears, feet and belly's the cutest thing!

For the past several weeks, Madeline has been obsessed with her blanket. She carries it around constantly and wants to even take it outside or in the bathtub. I'm so happy I was able to purchase replacement backup blankets for each of them since we're having to wash them so often, especially Madeline's. Madeline knows her blanket is purple, Mischa's is pink and Caleb's is blue so sometimes she brings her siblings their blankets. Pretty adorable! Caleb's latest obsession has been taking off all his clothes on a daily basis (except his diaper thank goodness). He immediately takes his pajamas off as soon as we take him out of the crib in the morning but he knows he has to put clothes on if he wants to play outside so, fortunately, he doesn't mind then. Speaking of cribs, we've been having nightly musical crib adventures. Madeline and Mischa's crib are side by side and each night they climb into each others cribs and sleep next to each other. Sometimes Madeline is in Mischa's crib and other days it's the other way around. I never know who will be in who's crib when I go in to check on them before I go to bed. Caleb's crib is on the other side of the room so he isn't able to climb into anyone's crib. Madeline is the only one that has officially discovered how to climb completely out of her crib. Seth refers to this as "jail breaks"...HA! Luckily, Madeline doesn't do it every night. We've thought about transitioning them to toddler beds with a low sided rail so they can get in and out of bed on their own, but we don't feel they are quite ready for that yet. Part of the reason they fall asleep well for naps and at bedtime is because they are confined in their cribs (well, sort of), otherwise, we're pretty sure all three rug-rats would be opening drawers, playing with toys and going in and out of the closet! Hopefully we can postpone the toddler beds for another couple of months.

Well, here are some pictures from today and the past couple of weeks!

Madeline (you can see part of her blanket there next to her)


Mischa and her favorite yellow ball

All three kiddos sitting in their play strollers







Eating snacks in the backyard

Caleb and his clever ways of getting to stuff on the counters

Madeline at the museum

Caleb going down the slide

Mischa enjoying the museum too

Madeline - 21 months old today!

HAPPY Caleb - 21 months old today!

Mischa - 21 months old today!

Can't believe these kiddos are almost 2!!

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