Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall fun

Hello! It's finally feeling like Fall here in Reno with the cooler weather we have been having lately. The kids don't seem to notice the chilliness and love being outside as much as possible. Seth and I have taken the kids to a couple of local pumpkin patches. This year I dressed the kids up in gnome costumes. I waited until the last minute to buy costumes and that was all I could find that was coordinating between boy/girl. They looked adorable in their costumes and hats but most people thought they were elves or smurfs...pretty close! Here are some recent pictures.

Me trying to hold Madeline with both our faces in the holes...a bit tricky!
Mischa & Madeline checking out pumpkins
Me and Mischa
Madeline, Caleb & Mischa at the pumpkin patch
Madeline & Caleb
Madeline & Caleb
My friend Vicki holding Madeline
Me holding Caleb & Mischa on a hayride
Mischa loving the leaves in our backyard
The kiddos testing out our new king size bed
Jumping for joy
Silly Madeline
Caleb wearing his new aloha shirt from Hawaii
Mischa jumping on the bed
Madeline still holding on to her balloon while she slept...did I mention M & M are obsessed with balloons lately?
Mischa didn't want to let go either
The kiddos swinging on a bar
Madeline on her new big wheel bike
Caleb prefers the pink one ;)
The kids at the Susan G. Komen breast cancer walk
Maddie sleeping in the car and holding on to her mini muffin
Caleb drinking dad's smoothie
Mischa...what a little ham
Hanging out in our nanny's truck
Riding an airplane at the mall 

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