Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful turkey day! We had a great holiday and we're actually having an awesome holiday weekend, overall. Since Seth is in Hawaii visiting Isaac for the holiday, my brother and I decided we would go to one of the Thanksgiving buffets at a local hotel here with Grandma Sue and the kids. At first I was a little hesitant about not having a traditional Thanksgiving at our house like we usually do, but after a little convincing from my brother about how I wouldn't have to cook anything, I decided it was worth a try. I must say, the food was pretty darn delicious! The kids had a great time and tried everything from turkey to noodles, to egg rolls and even peanut butter cookies. I'm not going to lie, they became a little restless towards the end of dinner, but overall it went really well. I posted a couple of pictures below.

The kids are doing great and fortunately haven't been sick yet since the weather has turned chilly. We've been having a lot of fun on weekends taking the kids to visit friends, going to the mall, to the museum or just out for wagon rides (of course bundled up with hats and jackets). We recently did holiday pictures and those turned out pretty good considering it was a bit of a challenge to get all three kids looking forward in one shot. We even took the kids to see Santa at the mall. We got a great picture that I'll post on here soon. The kiddos didn't seem to mind being next to Santa, as long as they weren't actually in his lap!

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Madeline enjoying a "big kid" bike at a friend's house
Caleb liked riding this wooden giraffe

Mischa didn't want to let go of this big pink ball for most of the day

Aww, pretty Madeline

It doesn't take much to get Caleb to crack up

Mischa and her snacks :)

These girls just melt my heart...

It's been the norm lately to find them sleeping next to each other

Poor Caleb misses out on all the sisterly love but he sure does sleep good

The kids enjoying their early birthday present - a wooden table and chairs

Definitely one of the best purchases so far

Eating snacks and watching the iPad...can life get any better?

Looks like Mischa might follow in Grandpa Armin's footsteps and be a leftie!

Enjoying our Thanksgiving meal at the buffet

Selfie of Maddie and me

Caleb loving the noodles

Mischa practicing her utensil skills

Love these guys SO much!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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