Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! We had a great time with the kids today. Uncle Cecil and Aunt Agniescka came over on Christmas Eve and we had a wonderful time opening presents with the kids and eating yummy food. Seth and I had a quiet Christmas at home today. We got to face time with Grandpa Lanny and Grandma Lynn so they could see the kids opening the Christmas presents they sent. Madeline, Caleb and Mischa LOVED their gifts! They each got Leap Frog computers, Elmo books, and little people play sets and a toy car racetrack set. What a blast they had today playing with all their new toys. I was able to put everything that needed assembling together while they napped in the afternoon. This has definitely been a wonderful and memorable Christmas in that the children are aware of so much more with the holidays. They really seem to love opening presents, turning the Christmas lights on, and even eating yummy holiday foods such as turkey and apricot sweet potatoes. Overall, it's been a truly special Christmas and, again, Seth and I are reminded of how truly blessed we are. We are so excited for big brother Isaac to come tomorrow night and then for the Klein family to come on Saturday. Being around family is what makes the holidays so special. Here are some pictures from the past couple of days.

Our Christmas tree
 (had to go easy on the ornaments since the kids love touching them)

The kids' stockings

More holiday decor

The babies' mini tree in their nursery

More stockings for their room

Eating breakfast with Uncle Cecil


Mischa & Caleb coloring

The whole gang


Caleb and his new wooden train

Mischa loved the train too
I love when they lay on the floor and play together

Auntie Aggie and Uncle Cecil

Me & Mischa

Poor Seth didn't feel too good

Group photo (Mischa was not happy)

Eating waffles Christmas morning

Seth & Madeline

Caleb enjoying the new toys from Grandpa Lanny & Grandma Lynn

Mischa checking out the new toys

They loved this toy a lot

They enjoyed seeing the cars race on the track

Sweet Caleb

Think the kids could stay up all night playing with their new toys

Merry Christmas, Madeline!

Merry Christmas, Caleb!

Merry Christmas, Mischa! 

Christmas 2011 - age 21 days old (Caleb, Mischa, Madeline)

Christmas 2012 - age 1 year old (Caleb, Mischa, Madeline)

And last, but not least, our attempt at our annual Christmas 2013 photo of Seth & the kids - age 2 years old (Caleb & Madeline)
We weren't too successful this year! Mischa wanted nothing to do with this picture :)

 Take two...there's Mischa's feet :)

Here's a couple videos - 

Here are our Christmas card pictures in case you missed them -

Merry Christmas Friends & Family!!!

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