Sunday, May 4, 2014

29 months old!

Hello! I'm doing my best the keep up with the blog...can you tell? :) Funny how I keep track of how many months the kids are nowadays...really they're two and a half or technically 29 months as of today but who's counting? We had a great weekend. On Saturday I took them to the March of Dimes walk around the Sparks Marina to support babies who are born prematurely. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. I still get a bit choked up when I think about how small the babies were at birth and about how Caleb and Mischa spent a little time in the NICU. Seeing them laughing and playing everyday really makes Seth and I appreciate how healthy are kids are.

The kids spent a lot of time outside this weekend as the weather was pretty nice, though breezy. I managed to get a little shopping done at one of the outdoor malls here and made a Target run and all with the kids...amazing! They actually were pretty well behaved. Caleb got a new green train (Percy) to add to his train collection. He even brought Percy to bed with him last night. Today we let them run off some energy at Jump Man Jump - a local indoor playground that has lots of inflatable slides and toys for the kids. It's nice when they can burn off some energy because they tend to get a little stir crazy at home.

This weekend Seth used our child-friendly "leashes" or backpacks for the first time. The kids didn't mind wearing them but towards the end, Mischa wanted to take it off. I never thought I would be a parent who used these but after having the triplets, I'm completely for them. Seth and I are always tense when we take them somewhere without the stroller or wagon as they tend to run in three different directions. We've really been trying to teach them not to do that and they're getting the hang of it but they often get so excited and want to explore everything in sight. Having the leashes is really useful and gives us some piece of mind.

Later this week I will be going to Arizona to take a 3 day nurse practitioner class and to visit my parents. I'm sad that I will be leaving the kids for a total of 4 days but I also know they are in good hands with Seth, our wonderful babysitter, Citlalli, and my mom will be available to lend a helping hand. I always joke with Seth that I have no doubt in my mind that the kids will be fine when I'm's actually the state of the house that stresses me out more! Well, here are pictures from the weekend.

Caleb & Maddie eating noodles with no clothes on

Mischa is the only one who prefers clothes these days

Madeline enjoying mini chocolate chip muffins

What a handsome boy

 Mischa ate the muffin tops and but the bottoms back :)

Caleb & Maddie playing at the park

Playing on the slide

Having fun at Jump Man Jump


Mischa checking out the ball pit




Our three little monkeys

 Madeline loved this car

Silly Mischa

They loved climbing everything in sight

The kids with their animal backpacks/leashes

A close up of Madeline's monkey backpack

Caleb even wore his on the carousel

Mischa was upset that she had to wear hers

Madeline in the tub tonight

Caleb cracking up

Love his smile

Mischa trying to avoid the lotion and diaper routine

Seth & me looking pretty exhausted these days

Short video of Madeline

A day in the life at the Klein house

A moving picture from the carousel ride that I forgot to post in the last blog entry

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