Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Spring

Hello! I am finally getting around to posting pictures of the babies at 3 months old. They turned 3 months old back on March 4th. I can't believe how fast time is going by. It seems like just yesterday we took the babies home from the hospital. Now it's so neat to see their little personalities start to shine through. Madeline, the oldest :), is the most content baby by far. She is happy just looking around and examining the environment around her. She is eating the most out of the three, taking in 5 whole ounces of milk per feed. She is also the best sleeper, sleeping about 6 hours straight at night which makes me a lot happier! Caleb is still our wild child. He tends to be the most emotional (a nice way of saying he cries the most...hee hee), but he also loves to smile and laugh. If you tickle his stomach and neck, you are sure to get a laugh out of him. He also loves to be lifted up into the air and then lowered down...over and over! He doesn't like to skip any feeds...not yet at least, so he tends to eat every 3-4 hours. And last but not least, Mischa is still our little peanut. She is the most observant and alert of the three. She really notices your face and makes eye contact so well. She tends to be our fidgety baby and often can't quite get into that comfortable position at times. She loves her binkie the most and also loves to sit in the swing. She has the cutest little smile and knows just when to flash it. We are so happy with our precious babies! Now that springtime is here, we are hoping to get outside once the weather starts warming up a bit. Seth and I are anxious to get some good use out of our jogging stroller. Well, here are 3 month old pictures and a few recent ones, as well.

Mischa asleep, Caleb, and Madeline

Mischa, Madeline, and now Caleb is asleep




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