Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Splish, splash we were taking a bath!

I decided to post a few pictures of bath time with the babies just for fun. Baths are a big deal in our takes an assembly line! Someone has to actually bathe the babies one by one, then you hand off that baby to another person to dry off, lotion, and dress the baby, then you hand that same baby off to be snuggled and fed...then you start the cycle all over again with the 2nd baby, and then the 3rd baby. And someone has to do all the laundry too...that's usually me. Needless to say, it's quite an ordeal in our household, not to mention a 2 hour session sometimes between the crying and flailing little arms and legs. Here are a few pictures from bath times over the past month.

We started off doing baths in a pink bucket in the kitchen sink...that didn't last long. Poor Caleb got experimented on first.

He's not amused...

Then we got more sophisticated and actually bought a baby bath tub...duh!

Caleb still isn't so sure about this whole bath thing...

Mischa's really not amused

Brrr it's cold!

Okay, maybe it's not so bad getting clean

We call Madeline our angel...she doesn't mind baths

Well we thought she didn't mind bath time

And last but not least, it's not what happens during the bath but after that matters the most....

Caleb in a formula-induced coma

Me and Mischa out cold...that bath wore us both out

Sweet dreams...

Thanks a lot for stopping by our blog! Hope you are enjoying the pictures. We'll be sure to post more videos soon, as well. In case you are wondering, the babies are a little over 3 months old now. I haven't gotten that caught up on this blog yet but I'm getting there slowly but surely. Stay tuned for more posts as time (and babies) permit! 

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