Wednesday, March 14, 2012

2 months old

The triplets turned two months old on February 4th. At their 2 month doctor check ups, they had all gained weight! Madeline went from 4 lbs 4 oz at birth to 9 lbs 13 oz; Caleb from 4 lbs 4 oz at birth to 10 lbs 4 oz...he's our biggest now; and Mischa went from 4 lbs 4 oz at birth to 7 lbs 12 oz. Gosh, the first two months sure did go by so fast with the babies! I guess between learning to manage three babies at once, all the diaper changes, feeds, burping, baths, clothes changing, swaddling, rocking, and lack of sleep, time just flew by! In case you're curious, we go through about 25-30 diapers PER day and about 48 ounces of formula or breast milk each day...needless to say, triplets are expensive! Sometimes I joke with Seth telling him I feel like a full time NICU nurse with the every three hour feeds and diaper changes...except I don't get off in 12 hours and I'm not getting paid!! ha ha :) But looking back, it's all been worth it. When the babies were 2 months old, we took our first road trip to San Francisco. Seth and I thought we'd never be "minivan" parents, but we ended up renting one for the trip and it was so convenient! I wish I would have taken pictures of this bright orange Dodge Caravan we had...pretty hilarious. With the 3 rows of seating, DVD player, roomy interior, floor lights, and automatic opening side doors, we were in triplet-traveling heaven! We're actually thinking about purchasing a minivan but just still can't bring ourselves to do it quite yet. I think Seth was picturing himself driving a convertible sports car in his adult much for that! :) Here are pictures of the babies at 2 months old.

 Boppy pillows...the best invention ever!

Me looking tired as ever with the babies

Madeline, Caleb and Mischa

Still can't believe we have 3 sometimes

That's a lot of legs!

This is the only way to entertain them sometimes!

This is how I get things done around the house...with a baby strapped to me


Mischa...yep, that's spit up on her shirt

Caleb...future Cornell student...uh oh, we better start saving!

Seth taking the babies for a stroll...boy, do we get some funny glances from people

 Seth and Isaac in Kona, Hawaii (that's Bronson, Isaac's little brother, sneaking in the pic)

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