Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Say Cheese!

Hi everyone! In order to document the triplets turning one month old, we decided to have professional newborn photos done. We actually couldn't have done them sooner since Caleb and Mischa were still in the hospital until December 22nd, but having them done one month past their birth still worked out great since they were still in that sleepy phase. We hired a wonderful newborn photographer by the name of Huong. She had never done triplets before so this was an adventure for everyone. Between the breaks for feeds, fussiness, and the pee/poop clean ups, all in all, the photo shoot took 6 hours and was a success! We had the photos done at our home and in order for the babies to be comfortable in their birthday suits, we had the heater in the house turned up to 85 degrees and all our space heaters and the fire place going at the same time. It sure was a hot photo session, but in the end, SO worth it. Here are some of our favorite poses from that day.

Madeline, Caleb and Mischa all bundled up looking so sweet

Our very favorite picture of all




So precious...




This pose was a little tricky and the babies were getting tired of all the posing

Since the holiday season had just passed, we decided to have a few Christmas pictures done as well. Here's some of the holiday-inspired pictures.




Last but not least, a few miscellaneous poses. Hope you enjoy!

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