Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Caleb and Mischa come home just in time for Christmas!

Both Caleb and Mischa spent a total of 18 days in the NICU at St. Mary's Hospital. Mischa had jaundice and required phototherapy for a few days. Both babies required IVs initially and then eventually just feeding tubes, so overall, not too bad considering. Originally, the doctors told us that Caleb was eating his feeds a little better than Mischa and to expect Mischa to stay in the hospital for about a week longer than Caleb. However, the plans changed and Seth and I were ecstatic to find out that both babies were being discharged on December 22, 2011, just a few days before Christmas. Caleb's weight went from 4 pounds 4 ounces at birth to 5 lbs 7 ounces and Mischa went from 3 pounds 4 ounces at birth to 4 pounds 6 ounces at discharge. We were so happy to finally have all 3 babies at home. Here are pictures of us taking Caleb and Mischa home finally.

Caleb and Mischa coming home from NICU

Us saying goodbye to the wonderful L&D and NICU nurses on our way out

Mischa and Madeline side by side in the back seat - fitting all 3 car seats was a challenge!

Madeline and Caleb side by side - we couldn't fit all 3 car seats in one picture

Luckily, the hospital is only about 5 miles from our house so driving home wasn't too bad. Seth and I knew we were in for some sleepless nights and that our lives were about to change 100%, but we were up for the challenge. Little did I know that my last full night of sleep was December 3rd, the night before the c-section...was I in for a surprise! But really, we had waited so long for the moment when we would finally have our 3 precious babies at home together. Here's a couple pictures of the babies at home for the first time (except Madeline had already been home...poor thing, she thought she was an only child until the other 2 babies came home).

Madeline, Caleb and Mischa in front of the Christmas tree

Don't let them fool you...within 5 minutes they all started crying and the real fun began!

Luckily, since it was the holiday time, we had some family here helping us out with the babies. Although it was a busy week, we were so thrilled that everyone was home finally. Even Isaac flew in from Hawaii so we had all 4 kids in one house for the first time. Here's some pictures from Christmas week.
Isaac, Mischa, Caleb and Madeline all in SI gear

Me holding Mischa

Me holding Caleb

Me holding Madeline

Seth and the babies

Thanks for visiting our family blog. I will be posting pictures from their 1 month photo shoot in the next post. What little models we have! ;)

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