Monday, March 12, 2012

Madeline coming home!

Following my c-section, I spent 4 days in the hospital recovering from the surgery. The incision on my lower abdomen was terribly sore, so getting out of bed was pretty difficult. Luckily, I had my  family and the nurses to help me get out of bed. I was so happy to have Madeline in my room with me. I would also go and visit Caleb and Mischa down the hall in the NICU as much as I could. Having Madeline in the room with me made transitioning to parenthood a little easier since I got to practice taking care of one baby before taking on all three at once. Caring for one baby seems like a piece of cake nowadays! ;) Here are a few pictures of Madeline from my hospital room.

Here she is looking just like her daddy

Seth and I were so fortunate to take Madeline home with us on the day that I was discharged from the hospital on December 8, 2011. Wow, after spending 8 weeks total in the hospital, it was amazing for me to be able to finally leave and go home. We were so fortunate to have Seth's mother staying with us. Although we were sad to leave Caleb and Mischa, we knew that they would be home as soon as the doctors felt they were able to eat enough to be discharged and that we could visit them at anytime.

Here's a picture of us leaving the hospital.

Me, Madeline and Seth at home for the first what? :)

Madeline and G.G. (my mother-in-law, Irene)

As I mentioned earlier, fortunately we could visit Caleb and Mischa in the NICU as often as we wanted. It was a little difficult for Seth and I to visit them together since Madeline was no longer allowed in the NICU since she had been discharged home. So usually Seth and I would leave Madeline at home with G.G., or we would go separately to visit them. We both enjoyed holding, feeding and bonding with each of them as much as we could when we visited. We were so pleased to hear good news everyday if they gained weight or nippled all of their feeds. It always broke my heart leaving them at the hospital.

Caleb and Mischa in the NICU

Tomorrow I'll share the details of Caleb and Mischa coming home...that's when the fun really began!

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