Thursday, October 4, 2012

10 months old today!

Today the babies turned 10 months old! They are getting so big and doing so well. Seth and I feel like we are in a good place with the babies' schedules and things are going great lately. The babies are taking two naps a day - one in the morning and one in the afternoon and they are sleeping 12 hours at night without any crying! Let's just say things are wonderful lately! They are eating so much and now snacking between meals too. They love to nibble on bits of veggies, fruits, o-shaped cereal, or teething crackers. If they see someone eating, they immediately want to eat as's so cute! Madeline currently has her two front bottom teeth. Caleb has his two front bottom teeth and two front top teeth. Mischa, believe it or not, has seven teeth!! She's got 4 on top and 3 on bottom. Who would have known our sweet little Mischa would have so many teeth by 10 months! Well, here are some pictures from today and the past week. Enjoy!

Madeline brushing her teeth
Drinking their morning bottles
Madeline in the tub tonight
Mischa - love these bath visors...they keep the shampoo out of their eyes when you rinse
Baths done, pajamas on, bottles given, then bed time!
Thanks to Grandma Lynn for the angry birds hats she crocheted
Mischa wasn't too happy
Guess she prefers hello kitty :)
We can't believe our precious babies are 10 months old! We are so blessed!!!
Take 1...

Take 2...

Take 3...
Take 4...
Wow, getting all 3 in one shot was getting tough! At this point I decided to stop before someone fell off the couch...hee hee! :)


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