Thursday, October 18, 2012

More pictures

Hello everyone! Everything is going great here with the babies. Everyone is standing up and cruising between different pieces of furniture. We're waiting any day now for someone to take their first step! Seth thinks Madeline might be the first to walk because recently she has been spotted standing up unassisted for a couple seconds, then realizes she's not holding on to anything, and quickly sits back down. It's the cutest thing. I personally think Mischa might be the first since she seems to have an advantage with most physical developmental milestones due to her being small, but then again Caleb might pass up his sisters, too! There's been a few mild injuries lately with the babies getting into everything constantly. Caleb seems to have the worst luck with injuries and is constantly bumping into things or falling over. Recently the babies have started to fight over toys, as well. Poor Mischa always gets her toys taken away by her "big" sister and brother. We've learned that it's just easier to give them 3 of the same toy when possible so no one has to fight over the same toy. Of course they don't want typical baby toys nowadays...they want other things to play with like spatulas, measuring cups, water bottles, books, cell phones, and remote controls.

Seth and I are excited to be planning their 1st birthday party. It is scheduled for Saturday, December 1st, at the Nevada Discovery Museum in downtown Reno. We are planning "A Very Hungry Caterpillar" theme. We are so excited to share this exciting time with our dear friends and family, so please come join us if you can. If you didn't receive an invitation in your email, let me know and I will send you one!

Here are some new pictures from the last week.
The pictures above are of the babies watching Elmo on my cell phone...anything to keep them entertained!
Double trouble
Triple trouble
Did I say the babies LOVE cell phones? Especially Mischa!
Caleb and Madeline hadn't woken up from their nap yet so Mischa didn't have to fight for the phone
Just look at that smile...I think Mischa likes being an only child
Madeline eating silver dollar pancakes for the first time
Caleb enjoyed them too
Mischa ate two!
They like to spin in circles on Dad's office chair
Here are pictures of the "baby jail"

Their latest obsession has been playing with their old baby travel swing
Madeline and Caleb
Think they exceeded the maximum weight limit
Is it just me or is Caleb flashing a peace sign?  

Madeline and Caleb

And last but not least, here's a picture of Seth "working"...uh-huh, rough day at the office! 

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