Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Today the babies celebrated their 1st Halloween! Seth and I tried to make the most out of the holiday by joining in on a lot of festivities over the past couple of weeks. Two weekends ago we went to a local pumpkin patch with the babies. We had so much fun dressing the babies up in their Halloween costumes and taking pictures at the pumpkin patch. The only bad thing about the day was that it was a really windy and chilly day here in Reno, so there was a lot of hay dust blowing everywhere. The poor babies had dust in their eyes and runny noses. We managed to get some photos taken and meet up with some friends, but we weren't able to stay too long due to the weather. Last weekend we went to a Halloween party with the Northern Nevada Twins Club. The party was at a jump/play place and the babies had so much fun crawling around and exploring everything. It was so cute to see all the babies and children dressed up in their Halloween costumes. We managed to get a few pictures from the day but Seth and I were so busy trying to keep up with our three rug rats crawling around in different directions that it made getting pictures a little challenging. Today for Halloween, I dressed the babies up in their costumes one last time to celebrate the day. They ate pureed pumpkin for the first time and really enjoyed it.

Within the past week or so, Seth and I have really noticed that Madeline tends to have the most dominant personality out of the three. She will not hesitate to take a toy out of her brother's or sister's hand no matter what, even if she has the same toy in her hand. I've caught her a couple times pushing Caleb and Mischa away if they even attempt to look at her toy. She will shield her body away from them in an effort to keep her special object out of their reach. It's pretty amusing to watch although we really have to keep an eye on her. It's interesting how she is the biggest of the three and is the most dominant. Caleb isn't quite as aggressive and will usually distract himself with something else if she doesn't give up her toy. Mischa, poor thing, definitely is the shy one out of the bunch. She usually gets her toys taken away by Madeline and Caleb and will often cry out in frustration. She doesn't like confrontation and will crawl away. She's definitely more of a "mama's girl" and prefers to come to me whereas Madeline is by far a "daddy's girl." In fact, on the weekends when Seth is watching the babies, Madeline will almost ignore me if her dad's in the room. It's the funniest thing! I guess those two have their special bond! Caleb, well he doesn't mind who holds him...he'll take anyone he can get!

We've been trying to enjoy the fall weather as much as possible before it gets too cold and we're not able to go outside as much. The babies like to spend time outside in the backyard playing on the grass. Unfortunately, they all like to eat the leaves! Seth and I experienced our first flat tire on the jogging stroller last week. We had to get a new tire at the bike shop since the triplet jogging stroller doesn't have normal small stroller wheels, but actual bike wheels that require pumping. Thankfully, the stroller is back in business so Seth can take them on their Friday walks while I have some "me" time. Well, not much else going on here. We went a little crazy with the pictures these past couple of weeks, so here are LOTS of pictures!

Madeline, as a pumpkin, all ready for the pumpkin patch
Mischa, our little flower
Caleb, the lion
Madeline & Mischa looking at the mini pumpkins
Madeline eating a dried piece of corn
Caleb with hay in his mouth
Mischa...brr, it was cold!
Sitting in the wagon
Madeline and Seth
Seth and Mischa
Caleb doing his best lion impersonation...GRRR!
Mischa, Caleb and Madeline hanging out with their ladybug friends
Playing with the pumpkins
Family photo (or I should say our attempt at a family photo)
Seth and the babies at the jump place
Caleb getting ready to go down a slide
Mischa on the slide
Madeline on the slide
Madeline having a meltdown after the party
Me and Caleb
Me and Mischa
Day after the party in their Halloween outfits
Mischa's morning after hair
Seth with Caleb and Mischa (that hair is crazy!)
Mischa, Madeline and Caleb




Madeline and Caleb
Hanging out in the backyard
Me and the babies
Can you guess who this is?
It's Caleb with a ponytail and a tutu!! What a cute face :)
The pumpkin, the lion and the flower
Happy Halloween!!!

Here are a couple of videos!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures and the video of Seth spinning in circles with Caleb and Madeline! It's so amazing to see how each baby is so unique :) Can you believe they are almost a year old? Hugs to you all and let's have another play date soon!

