Monday, November 5, 2012

11 months old!

11 months old...OMG! Wow, the babies are only one month away from their first birthday! We can't believe how fast time is going by! Our little babies are growing so fast and changing by the day. On Sunday they officially turned 11 months old. Seth and I had a wonderful weekend with the babies. To celebrate 11 months, we took the babies out to eat at one of our favorite breakfast spots called Peg's. The staff at the restaurant was so accommodating of our party of 5. We had a nice table towards the back away from the majority of people and we were able to have 3 high chairs. The babies loved being in a new environment and were so curious of their surroundings. Any time there is food around, they are sure to be content! I brought them oatmeal and cheerios from home and we also ordered them pancakes and they loved them! We were prepared with their sippy cups, catch-all bibs, disposable place mats, and LOTS of napkins and hand wipes! We were so pleased with how well the babies did. They didn't fuss at all and seemed to have a good time. The staff and the people sitting near us were all impressed and told us that we were pretty gutsy for bringing all 3 to a restaurant! The babies explored everything on the table from the silverware, to the condiment containers, to the small packets of jelly and half and half creamer. Mischa managed to use those 8 (yes, EIGHT!) teeth of hers to open a single serve container of half and half and before we had noticed, she already drank most of it. A little fat and dairy surely won't hurt her! :) We managed to get in the restaurant, eat, clean up, pack everyone up and get home before their 9:20 am morning nap time. Of course, the time change definitely gave us an advantage. Later in the day, Seth took the babies for a walk around the neighborhood which they enjoyed as usual. I went to run a few errands and bought them a couple new toys to play with. Well, here are pictures from the weekend!

Friday afternoon walk with Dad
The babies drinking their morning bottles...think they missed the memo about the extra hour of sleep!
Caleb  at Peg's
Madeline waiting for her pancakes
Mischa eating a cheerio
Caleb eating his pancake
Madeline and her "dollar fifty pancake" as Seth called it
Madeline, me and Mischa
This is Caleb with that look of determination...
Here's Caleb 2 seconds later (yeah, that's half and half in his mouth and hand)
Seth and the babies
Madeline scrunching up her nose
11 months old!
Madeline and Mischa playing with their new activity center
Madeline is happy!
And last, but not least, a few new videos...enjoy!


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