Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Never too young to vote!

Yesterday was such a momentous occasion with the election being only once every four years and what a close election it was! I decided to have the babies cast their vote between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. I used a blue Obama Slurpee cup and a red Romney Slurpee cup sold at 7-11 (very official, I know). The babies had a lot of fun and I got some cute pictures! You'll be surprised with the results! :)

Blue cup = Obama; Red cup = Romney
Here are the official election results from the Klein Triplets:
Mischa was clearly a Romney supporter
There was no changing her mind...she wanted nothing to do with the blue cup!
Caleb had no hesitations and immediately chose Obama!
Who knew we'd have such opposing views between siblings? I see a lot of arguing in our future! :)
Then there was Madeline...she was undecided!
I told her she had to choose one...
...but she just couldn't decide!
Then a fight broke out at the polls...argh!
Official results:
* Mischa Klein - Republican
*Caleb Klein - Democrat
*Madeline Klein - undecided
Happy Election Day (yesterday) everyone! Hope you got out there and voted! Wow, can't believe the babies will be 4 years old on the next election day!

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