Thursday, April 4, 2013

16 months old!

The babies are 16 months old today! This has been such a fun age. They love to play with balloons, read books, and play outside now that the weather is starting to warm up a little. Even though they are still crazy busy and super active, Seth and I both believe it's easier now compared to when they were little babies, but they are into everything and need constant supervision. Sometimes we both count down until 7 pm each night which is bedtime for the babies because we know we can finally relax and read a book or watch TV together. Some days are really hard and exhausting, but other days are so fun and enjoyable with the babies, so we both try to take each day one day at a time. It's so funny because Seth and I have a joke where the days I go to my job at the hospital I refer to as "my days off"...taking care of triplets is about a thousand times harder than my job as a nurse practitioner...HA!

One of the funnest experiences with the babies has been feeding them. Now that they have more teeth (Caleb and Mischa both have some of their molars but Madeline still has only 6 front teeth), we've been able to experiment with different foods. In fact, I haven't had to use my baby brezza machine to blend foods a lot like I used to. Now I just use the machine to steam vegetables or crunchy fruits and then cut them into bite sized pieces for the babies. Some of their latest favorite foods include greek yogurt with blended berries and softened granola, scrambled eggs with cheese, almond butter sandwiches (with the crust cut off), mashed avocado mixed with mashed bananas, and cheese quesadillas. As long as everything is cut up into small pieces, they love being able to feed themselves. In the past month or so, we've noticed that they babies are definitely becoming more picky and some of the things they used to love eating, they don't seem to enjoy as much any more. As with many other things, this seems to be a phase and will hopefully pass. They have taken a disliking to many vegetables so I have to be sneaky and add vegetables to foods like spaghetti or scrambled eggs. Seth and I love to order breakfast on Sundays at one of our favorite breakfast spots near our house. We used to order the babies plain scrambled eggs or pancakes with fruit, but then we noticed they started eating off of our plates more so now we order them the Joe's Special which includes scrambled eggs, ground turkey, spinach, onions, mushrooms and a side of cottage cheese. Ha, who would have thought they'd end up loving this meal more than pancakes? :)

Here are some pictures from today and earlier this week.

Mischa playing in the backyard
Madeline being silly
Caleb playing with the water hose
Mischa running away from me
Here she comes...what a BIG smile!
Caleb playing in the dirt...typical boy ;)
Caleb all cleaned up
Madeline in her new outfit from Grandpa Lanny and Grandma Lynn
What a happy girl
Caleb liked his new baseball outfit
"Let me out of here!"
Whoa, that flash was bright!
Me and Mischa
A short video of Madeline and Mischa from last Saturday
On a walk by the Truckee River
Madeline love these smoothies
Sweet Mischa
Caleb being silly
Getting ready for a bath tonight
Happy, happy Mischa
Caleb and his half smile
Madeline all clean
Mischa and my water bottle
Caleb loves to reach for the camera
Thanks for stopping by! Oh, and a big Happy Birthday to Grandma Lynn! We miss and love you!

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