Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring is finally here

Hi everyone! Finally Spring is officially here in Reno as the weather has been so sunny and beautiful! The babies are loving the outdoors right now, especially playing in the backyard. In fact, they go outside to play multiples times each day and have so much fun running around on the grass, playing with their toys, or exploring the plants, dirt and rocks. Luckily, no one seems to be interested in eating anything outside, so that's a plus! Seth and I enjoy having the babies play outside as it gives them an opportunity to burn off some energy. With the long winter we had, the babies often went a little stir crazy in the house all day, so this has been a nice change for them. Since the babies are going inside and outside many times throughout the day (after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, after their nap, before dinner, after dinner, you get the point), getting three pairs of shoes on and off can be quite a pain. So, last week I purchased three pairs of crocs for each of the babies, and I must say, they are SO convenient as they slip off and on easily plus they're washable (not to mention pretty stinkin cute too). They know that when we put their crocs on that it's time to play outside and they get so excited!

These past few weeks I have finally had the time to do a lot of things that I have wanted to do for so long, but just never had the time or energy for. I redecorated the kids' bathroom, hung new family pictures around the house, sold a lot of their old baby items, and even planted some flowers in the front and backyard. In fact, I haven't planted flowers in over 2 years between being super busy last Spring with the babies and then being on bed rest the year before that. I even planted a few tomato and bell pepper plants in the garden and I'm so excited to see them grow. Spending time in the yard is one of my favorite hobbies so I am very happy to be getting back to some of my favorite pre-baby activities. Of course, everything is modified now as I still have limited time and can only commit a few hours each week to gardening and flower planting. Hopefully the babies will enjoy these activities with me as they get bigger and we can plant flowers and vegetables together in the future.

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks. Seth and I can't believe our kids are getting so big!

One of the few pictures we could get of the three of them
Caleb playing in the backyard
Say cheese!
Mischa and Caleb playing in their old co-sleeper bassinet
Caleb - this was taken right after a haircut...not too shabby!
Mischa right after her bang trim...oops, it's a little crooked
Out for a walk around the neighborhood
Madeline's yellow crocs
Caleb's blue crocs

Mischa's pink crocs...did I mention these are the best invention ever? :)
Seth and Madeline...what a daddy's girl
One of our pretty tulips
Here is a short video of the babies taking a bath last Sunday

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