Tuesday, June 4, 2013

18 months old today!

Wow, the babies are officially a year and a half today! What an amazing, extraordinary and fun time it is right now. They are so playful and energetic and starting to really become more and more independent by the day. They love playing with balls, reading books, going for walks in the wagon, playing in the backyard, and hanging out with other kiddos. With the weather being so gorgeous lately, we have spent a lot of time outdoors in the sunshine and they can't seem to get enough of the great outdoors.

We've all been doing really good lately. We have had a busy past few weeks with BBQs, birthday parties, play dates and life in general. The babies have their 18 month doctor check up in a couple of weeks, so Seth and I are excited to see how much they have grown. We have a fun tradition where we always play a game we call "Fantasy Baby" where the day of a doctor's appointment, we both guess each kiddos weight. It's kind of like fantasy football in a way so that's how we came up with the name. We try to guess to the ounce each babies' weight and who ever wins gets a treat from the other person (foot rub, back rub, mani/pedi...ha, you know which one I prefer)!

In the past month we transitioned the babies to one day time nap at noon and it's been good. They seem to respond well to one long daytime nap, as long as Caleb doesn't wake them up too early. Caleb has always been the one to wake up before the girls so sometimes Seth and I have to run into the nursery to get him out before he wakes the others up. On weekends when Seth plays with the babies ALL day, they tend not to nap quite as well because they are so excited to play with dad. Fortunately, they are sleeping great at night. We still keep them on a tight schedule in terms of feedings, nap, playtime and bedtime. Having a schedule is what keeps us parents sane. They are pretty much eating everything nowadays, too. Mischa is still our number one snacker. She eats a fair amount with meals in the high chair, but she sure does love to snack throughout the day. She loves anything from fruit to graham crackers, gold fish, mum mums, and dried yogurt bites. I've always been a snacker myself, so Seth is always joking that Mischa is just like me in that sense.

We are excited for the summer months ahead because we have a few trips planned with the babies. We are planning on attending the Collier Family reunion over the 4th of July weekend in Oregon. Isaac with be visiting for 2 weeks since he is on summer vacation, so we are really looking forward to him being here. It will be quite the adventure having 3 one and a half year old kids running around in cabins out in the beautiful wilderness. I somehow foresee lots of dirty little hands and feet running around everywhere having a ball. Luckily, there will be plenty of family around to help out! We are also planning another trip to the bay area to visit Seth's family. It's been a few months since we were last in San Francisco, so we're looking forward to going again this summer. Seth and I keep talking about how maybe this will be the year in which we take the babies to Hawaii....hmm, it might happen but we don't have anything officially planned yet.

Well, here are some pictures and videos of the babies. Our camera is actually in Hawaii right now because Seth took it with him to visit Isaac, so I'll be sure to post more pictures very soon. Enjoy!

Madeline & Caleb in their new big kid car seats
Caleb looking a little unsure...he's not used to facing forward :)
Mischa just big enough for the new seat
Caleb passed out in the wagon (being a kid is exhausting!)
Caleb getting a ride from dad
Out enjoying the day at Wingfield Park
Our attempt at a group photo...not too bad
Madeline checking out the toys at a friend's birthday party
Caleb liked the toys too
Mischa couldn't decide between the green ball and the walker
Caleb enjoying the new outdoor sand and water table
Mischa & Madeline playing in our tent with their friend, Sasha
Mischa pushing a stroller
Madeline "talking" on the phone
Madeline and Caleb playing on mom's treadmill
Out for a walk in the neighborhood with dad
Here are a couple of videos from the past week
Thanks for stopping by! I will post an update soon :)

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