Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Summer!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Grandpa Lanny and Grandma Lynn are here visiting us for three weeks before we all head out Crane hot springs in Oregon for the Collier Family Reunion next week. We are having a wonderful time so far. The babies are having a blast hanging out with their grandparents, although Mischa is a little slow to warm up on some days. The babies are really enjoying my parents delicious cooking. They have eaten everything from chicken chow mein noodles, to red chile ground beef with black beans, spaghetti with italian sausage and even pot roast with mashed potatoes and roasted veggies. One of their latest favorites is probably cornbread! The babies are definitely getting a variety of meals lately and it's so fun experimenting with different foods. Tonight, we all went to Dairy Queen and enjoyed some yummy sweet treats. Needless to say, all three babies loved the strawberry sundae we ordered for them. This was their first time trying ice cream and they loved it! Grandpa and grandma sure do know how to spoil these little ones!

Besides all the delicious meals we have been eating, we've also been taking the babies on walks around the neighborhood. They fell in love with the swings at one of the nearby parks the first time they tried them last week. In fact, they usually don't want to get out of the swings when it's time to go home. Lynn and I have been getting our steps in together since we both have fitbit pedometers and like to encourage each other. Here are pictures from the past two weeks.

Here's Isaac and Seth in Hawaii two weeks ago...lucky boys!
Still can't believe he's 14 sometimes
Isaac shredding on a half pipe

Caleb and Mischa being pulled in the wagon by big sister, Madeline
Caleb checking out the colorful chairs
Our wonderful nanny, Citlalli, and Caleb
Out for a walk around the neighborhood
Sweet Madeline
Big smile from Caleb
Mischa wasn't so sure about the headband look
She likes picking flowers so I put one in her hair
Madeline enjoyed grandpa's italian sausage spaghetti!
Caleb liked it too!
Mischa ate the most! ...and right to the bathtub the babies went! :)
First time for the babies at Dairy Queen! They were in heaven
Madeline had her mouth wide open and was ready!
Caleb loved dad's hot fudge sundae
Madeline took big bites of her strawberry sundae
Once grandma Lynn started feeding Mischa her ice cream, they quickly became best friends!
After their adventure at Dairy Queen, it was pajama time, diaper change, milk and then bedtime for the babies. I'm sure they are having sweet dreams right now! Thanks for stopping by :)

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