Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Spring

Hello! I am finally getting around to posting pictures of the babies at 3 months old. They turned 3 months old back on March 4th. I can't believe how fast time is going by. It seems like just yesterday we took the babies home from the hospital. Now it's so neat to see their little personalities start to shine through. Madeline, the oldest :), is the most content baby by far. She is happy just looking around and examining the environment around her. She is eating the most out of the three, taking in 5 whole ounces of milk per feed. She is also the best sleeper, sleeping about 6 hours straight at night which makes me a lot happier! Caleb is still our wild child. He tends to be the most emotional (a nice way of saying he cries the most...hee hee), but he also loves to smile and laugh. If you tickle his stomach and neck, you are sure to get a laugh out of him. He also loves to be lifted up into the air and then lowered down...over and over! He doesn't like to skip any feeds...not yet at least, so he tends to eat every 3-4 hours. And last but not least, Mischa is still our little peanut. She is the most observant and alert of the three. She really notices your face and makes eye contact so well. She tends to be our fidgety baby and often can't quite get into that comfortable position at times. She loves her binkie the most and also loves to sit in the swing. She has the cutest little smile and knows just when to flash it. We are so happy with our precious babies! Now that springtime is here, we are hoping to get outside once the weather starts warming up a bit. Seth and I are anxious to get some good use out of our jogging stroller. Well, here are 3 month old pictures and a few recent ones, as well.

Mischa asleep, Caleb, and Madeline

Mischa, Madeline, and now Caleb is asleep




Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Splish, splash we were taking a bath!

I decided to post a few pictures of bath time with the babies just for fun. Baths are a big deal in our takes an assembly line! Someone has to actually bathe the babies one by one, then you hand off that baby to another person to dry off, lotion, and dress the baby, then you hand that same baby off to be snuggled and fed...then you start the cycle all over again with the 2nd baby, and then the 3rd baby. And someone has to do all the laundry too...that's usually me. Needless to say, it's quite an ordeal in our household, not to mention a 2 hour session sometimes between the crying and flailing little arms and legs. Here are a few pictures from bath times over the past month.

We started off doing baths in a pink bucket in the kitchen sink...that didn't last long. Poor Caleb got experimented on first.

He's not amused...

Then we got more sophisticated and actually bought a baby bath tub...duh!

Caleb still isn't so sure about this whole bath thing...

Mischa's really not amused

Brrr it's cold!

Okay, maybe it's not so bad getting clean

We call Madeline our angel...she doesn't mind baths

Well we thought she didn't mind bath time

And last but not least, it's not what happens during the bath but after that matters the most....

Caleb in a formula-induced coma

Me and Mischa out cold...that bath wore us both out

Sweet dreams...

Thanks a lot for stopping by our blog! Hope you are enjoying the pictures. We'll be sure to post more videos soon, as well. In case you are wondering, the babies are a little over 3 months old now. I haven't gotten that caught up on this blog yet but I'm getting there slowly but surely. Stay tuned for more posts as time (and babies) permit! 

2 months old

The triplets turned two months old on February 4th. At their 2 month doctor check ups, they had all gained weight! Madeline went from 4 lbs 4 oz at birth to 9 lbs 13 oz; Caleb from 4 lbs 4 oz at birth to 10 lbs 4 oz...he's our biggest now; and Mischa went from 4 lbs 4 oz at birth to 7 lbs 12 oz. Gosh, the first two months sure did go by so fast with the babies! I guess between learning to manage three babies at once, all the diaper changes, feeds, burping, baths, clothes changing, swaddling, rocking, and lack of sleep, time just flew by! In case you're curious, we go through about 25-30 diapers PER day and about 48 ounces of formula or breast milk each day...needless to say, triplets are expensive! Sometimes I joke with Seth telling him I feel like a full time NICU nurse with the every three hour feeds and diaper changes...except I don't get off in 12 hours and I'm not getting paid!! ha ha :) But looking back, it's all been worth it. When the babies were 2 months old, we took our first road trip to San Francisco. Seth and I thought we'd never be "minivan" parents, but we ended up renting one for the trip and it was so convenient! I wish I would have taken pictures of this bright orange Dodge Caravan we had...pretty hilarious. With the 3 rows of seating, DVD player, roomy interior, floor lights, and automatic opening side doors, we were in triplet-traveling heaven! We're actually thinking about purchasing a minivan but just still can't bring ourselves to do it quite yet. I think Seth was picturing himself driving a convertible sports car in his adult much for that! :) Here are pictures of the babies at 2 months old.

 Boppy pillows...the best invention ever!

Me looking tired as ever with the babies

Madeline, Caleb and Mischa

Still can't believe we have 3 sometimes

That's a lot of legs!

This is the only way to entertain them sometimes!

This is how I get things done around the house...with a baby strapped to me


Mischa...yep, that's spit up on her shirt

Caleb...future Cornell student...uh oh, we better start saving!

Seth taking the babies for a stroll...boy, do we get some funny glances from people

 Seth and Isaac in Kona, Hawaii (that's Bronson, Isaac's little brother, sneaking in the pic)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Say Cheese!

Hi everyone! In order to document the triplets turning one month old, we decided to have professional newborn photos done. We actually couldn't have done them sooner since Caleb and Mischa were still in the hospital until December 22nd, but having them done one month past their birth still worked out great since they were still in that sleepy phase. We hired a wonderful newborn photographer by the name of Huong. She had never done triplets before so this was an adventure for everyone. Between the breaks for feeds, fussiness, and the pee/poop clean ups, all in all, the photo shoot took 6 hours and was a success! We had the photos done at our home and in order for the babies to be comfortable in their birthday suits, we had the heater in the house turned up to 85 degrees and all our space heaters and the fire place going at the same time. It sure was a hot photo session, but in the end, SO worth it. Here are some of our favorite poses from that day.

Madeline, Caleb and Mischa all bundled up looking so sweet

Our very favorite picture of all




So precious...




This pose was a little tricky and the babies were getting tired of all the posing

Since the holiday season had just passed, we decided to have a few Christmas pictures done as well. Here's some of the holiday-inspired pictures.




Last but not least, a few miscellaneous poses. Hope you enjoy!

Caleb and Mischa come home just in time for Christmas!

Both Caleb and Mischa spent a total of 18 days in the NICU at St. Mary's Hospital. Mischa had jaundice and required phototherapy for a few days. Both babies required IVs initially and then eventually just feeding tubes, so overall, not too bad considering. Originally, the doctors told us that Caleb was eating his feeds a little better than Mischa and to expect Mischa to stay in the hospital for about a week longer than Caleb. However, the plans changed and Seth and I were ecstatic to find out that both babies were being discharged on December 22, 2011, just a few days before Christmas. Caleb's weight went from 4 pounds 4 ounces at birth to 5 lbs 7 ounces and Mischa went from 3 pounds 4 ounces at birth to 4 pounds 6 ounces at discharge. We were so happy to finally have all 3 babies at home. Here are pictures of us taking Caleb and Mischa home finally.

Caleb and Mischa coming home from NICU

Us saying goodbye to the wonderful L&D and NICU nurses on our way out

Mischa and Madeline side by side in the back seat - fitting all 3 car seats was a challenge!

Madeline and Caleb side by side - we couldn't fit all 3 car seats in one picture

Luckily, the hospital is only about 5 miles from our house so driving home wasn't too bad. Seth and I knew we were in for some sleepless nights and that our lives were about to change 100%, but we were up for the challenge. Little did I know that my last full night of sleep was December 3rd, the night before the c-section...was I in for a surprise! But really, we had waited so long for the moment when we would finally have our 3 precious babies at home together. Here's a couple pictures of the babies at home for the first time (except Madeline had already been home...poor thing, she thought she was an only child until the other 2 babies came home).

Madeline, Caleb and Mischa in front of the Christmas tree

Don't let them fool you...within 5 minutes they all started crying and the real fun began!

Luckily, since it was the holiday time, we had some family here helping us out with the babies. Although it was a busy week, we were so thrilled that everyone was home finally. Even Isaac flew in from Hawaii so we had all 4 kids in one house for the first time. Here's some pictures from Christmas week.
Isaac, Mischa, Caleb and Madeline all in SI gear

Me holding Mischa

Me holding Caleb

Me holding Madeline

Seth and the babies

Thanks for visiting our family blog. I will be posting pictures from their 1 month photo shoot in the next post. What little models we have! ;)